July 2020


Mayor Cllr. D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. S.Baird (SB), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. D. Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W.Hatchman (WH), Cllr. V. Parker-Hill (VPH), Cllr. B. Allen (BA)

Also in attendance were: C.Cleary (Clerk)

Absent :  Cllr. W.Bowkett (WB)


Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 6.45pm.


1. Police

Jayne sent her apologies and e-mailed the following report:

  • The Wainfleet NPT (Neighbourhood Police Team) are continuing with Hi Vis patrols in the Wainfleet areas.  
  • When we have some spare moments we are carrying out speed  checks.  
  • Over the last few days there has been an increase of garden ornaments/furniture being taken from gardens.  This has occurred locally in the Friskney area and Horncastle area.. 

2. Public Session

No member of the public attended.


3. Apologies for absence

Cllr. WB


4. Declarations of Interest



5. Minutes from the Council Meeting on 2nd June 2020

Minutes from the remote meeting held on 2nd June had been previously circulated.


Amendments: None

Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to confirm the minutes as a true record of the decisions made.


6.Reports from External Agencies

Reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

  • Letter sent to Secretary of State for Government initialising Greater Lincolnshire Devolution
  • Household waste recycling centre operations now booking 7 days in advance and types of waste accepted expanded.
  • Majority of schools re-opening. Home learning resources available at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/coronavirus
  • Facebook Portals distributed to care homes to improve contact between residents and families.
  • Covid-19 helpline remains open on 01522 782189. Over 4000 calls received since opening
  • The getting outside during covid 19 website is now open
  • Anyone showing symptoms of coronavirus can book a test at www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-for-coronavirus/ or by calling 119.
  • Wainfleet now included in the Market Town regeneration programme - £5000 available to help High Street businesses re-start.
  • Steeping de-silting to take place in September. £4 million budget to be spent by end of December.
  • Balfour Beatty are the new pothole fixing company and are catching up with the backlog. Please report any issues through FixMyStreet.


Report from P&A Committee

Present DK,DW,JH,VP


Generally very good we suggest that we drop them a line to say what a wonderful job they have done during these difficult times. The grass has not been cut on the internal roadway from the entrance to half way along, so maybe a general reminder to them as some have kept it neat.


Proposed, seconded and resolved for clerk to send out letter to all allotment holders congratulating them on state of allotments


The plots causing concern are


Plot 12. It has hardly been touched since taken over. Clerk had sent e-mail prior to meeting – no reply received.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for clerk to send improvement or termination letter to holder.


Plot17. Overgrown and not being used as an allotment. 

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for clerk to send improvement or termination letter to holder.


Plot 10 has been referred to on an earlier email.


Play Area

Re-opening scheduled for 4th July. Signs on gate had been replaced.

Three benches have received some attention.

One picnic bench has been damaged by fire  but the framework is in good order, we felt with some new hardwood timber it could be as good as new so at an estimated cost of approx £100 (need agreement)

Two small trees are damaged and dead, need replacing so a couple from garden centre would do the trick possibly about £50 (need to agree)

It was also felt that looking at the area as a whole it would be beneficial to have two more picnic benches under the shade of the trees, Discussion on costs of new benches.

DK/JH will investigate supplier in Skegness


Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for JH/DK to view benches at supplier and arrange purchase if suitable.


On the small enclosed play area one of the swings has been damaged beyond repair.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for clerk to arrange purchase of new swing same as previous one purchased last year.


The new gate in the corner of the field can be ordered as the price for this was agreed at a prior meeting,

DK/WH to arrange and Clerk to organise payment


Overhead branches from tree which overhangs this area .A panel of fence and post mix also required to make the area safe. At a cost of Approx £50 (Need to agree)


Equipment cleaned with algicide.


Discussion on bus shelter roof cleaning.


Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for clerk to advise window cleaner that cleaning to be done upon request.


Mole man, he seems to be doing a good job. Discussion on costs (£900 p.a.) and length of contract. 


Grass contracts. Expire at end of current year. Separate meeting required to analyse current contracts and costs. Clerk to circulate current breakdown to P&A committee. 


Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to agree purchases of wood (£100), Trees (£50), swing seat (£90) and fence panel (£50) as suggested by P&A Committee.


Bridge on footpath still not repaired. Clerk to chase up LCC.


7. Clerk’s Report and Action Points from the previous minutes.

  • AGAR forms completed, signed and despatched. Exercise of public rights displayed on notice board and website.
  • Review of standing orders ongoing



To receive financial reports and updates. To approve payments and receipts. 

Payments of all invoices outstanding approved by e-mail prior to meeting and ratified at this meeting.

Payments made over £100 in May/June for transparency

Payee Detail  Amount VAT  Total
Duchy of Lancaster Rental of Market Place £100.00 £0.00 £100.00
Paul Garrill  Grass Cutting (May) £840.00 £0.00  £840.00
Nicola Smith Internal Auditor costs £125.00 £0.00 £125.00
The local pest control Mole treatment (quarter) £225.00 £0.00 £225.00
D.Wickes Mayors Allowance £540.00 £0.00 £540.00
Staff costs Staff costs £585.97 £0.00 £585.97
Paul Garrill Grass cutting (June) £840.00 £0.00 £840.00













Discussion on grass cutting costs. Clerk to send letter to contractor to only cut once per month.


Approval of clerks overtime for 4 week period to 20th June = 4.25hrs.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve clerks overtime.


Discussion following e-mails circulated regarding insurance renewal.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the 3 year proposal from Hiscox.


VAT Reclaimed for period to year end 31st March 2020. Payment from HMRC received.


Bus Shelter Water bill to be investigated (low usage, sewerage charges?)


9. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

S/194/00972/20 – Extension The Ark, Mill Close,

S/194/01012/20 – Change of use Wainfleet Chippy


Councillors had no objections


10. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards, Allotments, Market Place, Play Area and Playing Field,


Northolme Cemetery

4 new memorials installed

3 Burials plots 756, 759 and 1078

2 Ashes internments plots 43 and 212

2 Reservations plots 757 and 758



New tenant for plot 10 arranged

2 people now on waiting list

See earlier report from P&A committee


11. Marketing & Promotions

To discuss setting up of separate committee on Market Place development.

Discussion on development of market place – deferred to meeting to be held on 14th July.


Discussion on restarting auctions in market square.

Clerk to arrange meeting with Ian Naylor and selected councillors.


To discuss ELDC fund for re-opening High Streets safely

Discussion on funds available – deferred to meeting to be held on 14th July.


12. The Royal Oak Public House

To discuss the current appearance of the Royal Oak

WB had contacted owner who was looking at work to be done and would report back. WB to advise council when reply received.


13. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence

Enquiry from relative to mother buried in Northolme in 1950/51 – located and advised.

Enquiry from relative to locate half brother buried in Northolme in 1940 – located and advised.

Enquiry from Ian Naylor Auctions – circulated.

Steeping report -circulated

Funding for High Street available - £5000 grant from ELDC to help small businesses re-start (e.g. sanitizer stations, signage, flower beds?, etc.). For discussion at meeting on 14th July.


14. Agenda Items for next meeting

Playing Field Agreement – Clerk to circulate draft agreement and decision to be made prior to next meeting.

Litter picking – date to be organised for litter picking in Town.


15. Meeting Close.

Mayor DW closed the meeting at 19:25 hrs and thanked all those who attended


16. Next meeting date agreed as 4th August 2020




I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 2nd June 2020.





Mayor / Cllr 

Date: 4th August. 2020