December 2020

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council

Notes of Town Council Meeting held by video conferencing

 on 8th December 2020 at 18:15 hrs


Cllrs present: 

Mayor D Wickes (DW), Cllr W Bowkett (WB), Cllr J Hart (JH), Cllr S Baird (SB)



Cllr W Hatchman (WH), Cllr D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr V Parker-Hill (VP), Cllr B Allen (BA), PCSO J Richardson


Also present:

Clerk C Cleary


Mayor DW welcomed everyone, and with no public present or questions submitted by the public opened the council session at 18:15 hrs.


1. Police

PCSO Jayne Richardson sent het apologies and e-mailed the following report :

We have carried out quite a few speed checks along Spilsby Rd since the new 30mph signs have gone up.  Quite a lot of locals and regular uses of the road have been stopped and spoken in regards to their speed,  as they didn’t realise the new enforcement.  (even though they should have noticed the new signs).   Could an item go out from council on the Wainfleet FB about the new revised limit as a token of goodwill?  Shortly we will be issuing tickets for offenders.

Discussion on this report. Cllr Baird expressed concern at lack of information issued to the public prior to the change.

Action : Cllr. Bowkett to raise matter with LCC and Clerk to advise PCSO Richardson of concerns.


2. Public session

No public present and no questions submitted from the public


3. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.


Cllr Hatchman, Cllr Parker-Hill, Cllr Kettleborough and PCSO Richardson apologies noted and accepted 


4. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011. (Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced. In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter. In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.)


Cllr. Bowkett – item 10. Floodlight planning application.


5. Minutes from the Council Meeting on 2nd November 2020

Minutes from the meeting held on 2nd November had been previously circulated.

Amendments :None


Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to approve minutes from 2nd November 2020


6. Reports from External Agencies

Reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett


LCC Report

Covid has started to decrease In East Lindsey the latest figures are 177 in

100,000, unfortunately Boston is still high with 413 in 100,000, they have had a

break outs in care homes and a couple of schools, the figures for Boston should

now start to drop.

The NHS have now started the role out of the vaccine, this has commenced at

Lincoln County Hospital and will be rolled out during the next few weeks to the

first in line, NHS, care homes and staff and the over 80s.

The flu vaccine is now open to the over 50s anyone in that age group is being

encouraged to take up the offer, you will be sent a letter from your doctors


There is a new phone number for anyone suffering with their mental health in

Lincolnshire, 08000014331 it is a free service and is available 24 /7.

Children who have to pay for their school transport will be offered a 40%

refund of the total cost.


Citizens Advice Lindsey has a new phone number 08082787904.

Bin collections in our area may have a date change please look out for

notification from East Lindsey.

Test and Trace support payments are still available to support residents and

their families if they have to isolate.

Rough sleeping count took place 2 weeks ago across East Lindsey we have 4

people rough sleeping, all these were known to our rough sleeping team but

will not engage to be given accommodation.

Any issues please get in touch, may I wish you all a merry Christmas and

hopefully 2021 will be a lot less challenging.

Discussion on roll out of vaccine. Cllr Baird expressed concern about the difficulty in GP practices being able to identify priority front line health and social care staff who are not “employed” by large organisations like hospitals, GP practices and registered care home...staff who although  front line are self employed, or voluntary and so are not easily picked up by missives to GP practices and hospitals to vaccinate (their) front line employed staff. and also the apparent differing degrees of clinical vulnerability which could allow some patients to be omitted from the early stage vaccination programme.

Action : Cllr Bowkett to raise matter with LCC.


7. Clerks Report and action points from previous meeting

Letter sent to WSM thanking them for use of hall

Ian Naylor advised re: auction closure

Claim to ELDC for sanitizers/planters – awaiting invoice from Sanitizer supplier in order to submit.

E-mail sent to Methodist Hall (copied to S.Harris) requesting them to be central refuge point. No reply to date.

Building sand – to be ordered.

Also pending from previous meetings

 New gate for corner of field.  This was approved in January 2020 and no action has been taken.

Play area surface – requested quote from LSH surfacing – no reply.

New website went live on 4th December and old one closed down. If anyone tries to access the old website they will be automatically forwarded to the new one. A lot of information is on the website, but it is still a work in progress and there is still a lot of work to be done. Planning to include links with town “facilities” e.g Methodist Hall, Church, Parish Nurses, etc. Need photographs of councillors and also of local landmarks.

No overtime incurred in the 4 week period to 4th December.



8. Policies review

Review of the following policies previously circulated to councillors :

* Code of Conduct

* Complaints Procedure

* Co-option Policy

* Data Breach Policy

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the revisions of the above mentioned documents.


9. Finance

To receive financial reports and updates. To approve payments and receipts.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the November financial report.

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve all payments and receipts.


Payments made over £100 in November for transparency

Payee Detail Amount VAT Total

Bits and Bobs Gazebo assembly November £210.00 £0.00 £210.00

Paul Garill October Invoice £590.00 £0.00 £590.00

Staff Costs Staff costs £642.42 £0.00 £642.42

LAAT Playing field hire 2017-2020 £1500.00 £0.00 £1500.00

DWL Tree work in Northolme £840.00 £0.00 £840.00

I.Whittington Cemetery repair work £1800.00 £0.00 £1800.00

ELDC Planning application £231.00 £0.00 £231.00

JPI Media Advertising £240.00 £48.00 £288.00

DWL Tree work in playing field £895.00 £0.00 £895.00

Penine Signs Planters and banners £1621.00 £324.20 £1945.20

SDI Display Sanitizers £2734.98 £547.00 £3281.98


Report from clerk on draft budget and precept for 2021/22. 

Finance committee had met and discussed budget income and expenditure on 7th December. Spreadsheet with draft figures had been circulated to councillors for further discussion. Final budget to be put to full council in January meeting.


10. Planning 

To receive and discuss planning applications:

S/194/01092/20 Siting of floodlights on playing field

Acolaid case 194/00529/19/S – 2 Spilsby Road


11. Market 

Update on market procedures on run up to Xmas.

Discussion on dates for future markets and operational issues. Market to continue for every Friday up to Christmas, then to be held of last Friday in January, February and March, reverting to a weekly basis from the end of March. Volunteers need to complete relevant forms. Discussion on employing a contractor to assemble/take down gazebos. 

Action : Clerk to contact other councils and payroll provider to investigate options for additional work.


12. Properties, Amenities and burial grounds

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for properties, amenities and burial grounds.

Northolme cemetery and closed churchyards

No new burials, but paperwork required for an ashes internment,

Water needs to be isolated.

Discussion on misuse of waste bin at Northolme. To be monitored and sign to be placed at bin advising cemetery waste only.

Action : Clerk to produce sign for cemetery bin and to isolate water supply.

Compliments expressed for the work done in St, Thomas’ Churchyard. A great improvement seen, but noted that there will be some remedial tree work required.

Discussion on siting of recycling bins at cemetery car park. Further investigation required.


Plot 17 new tenant has been organised.

Plots 9, 10 and 12 not in good condition, but weather is a factor. To be monitored and reviewed in Spring.

Water need to be isolated.

Action : JH to isolate water supply.

Discussion on possible new office location. WB/DW to visit on Friday 11th December.

Market Place

Some loose stones observed in market square.

Action : JH to instigate repairs.

Play area/playing field

Discussed under item 15.


13. Marketing and Promotions

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for marketing and promotions.

To be reviewed early in New Year.


14. Grass cutting contracts 

Update from clerk on the progress of the tender.

Tender was advertised in local press and social media. Tender Documentation, site maps and offers of accompanied site visits have been sent out to interested parties. 


15. Development of play area

Progress report on the further development of the play area. 

Discussion on the play area. Lockdown has delayed site visits. JH to be included in review panel. Meetings to be arranged with potential suppliers in Jan/Feb and detailed proposals submitted. School year 6 to be invited to give suggestions.


16. Wainfleet Vital and Viable Scheme

Presentation by District Councillor Wendy Bowkett on the Vital and Viable Scheme,

Meeting and site visit with ELDC to held in near future to prepare surveys and opportunities for Wainfleet.


17. Councillor vacancies

To discuss and agree actions to recruit new councillors.

One potential candidate has come forward, but will not be available until April 2021. Details have been sent to the candidate. 


18. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received.

a. Lincolnshire Community Foundation – circulated by e-mail. No further action.

b. Urban Highways grass cutting – circulated by e-mail.

Proposed, seconded and resolved to continue with the current agreement for the 2021/22 season. Action : Clerk to advise LCC of decision.

c. E-mail from Cllr. SB re: support for hospital patient discharges – now resolved

d. LCC Covid-19 community response fund – circulated by e-mail. Essentially the same as item a. – No further action.

e. Application for funding from CAB received. Application refused.


19. Agenda items for next meeting


New office location

Grass cutting contracts

Councillors to contact clerk with items for next meeting by latest 5th January 2021


20. To agree the next meeting date as 12th January 2021


21. Meeting Close.

Mayor closed the meeting and thank everyone for attending 19:30 hrs 



I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 8th December 2020.







Signature: Mayor: Cllr Wickes





 Initial                              Date: 12th January, 2021