August 2019

Present: Cllr. D Wickes (DW - Mayor), Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W Bowkett (WB), Cllr. M Knowles (MK), Cllr. T Graves (TG), Cllr W Hatchman (WH)

Also, in attendance were: 1 Member of the Public,  Police Reps. JR,   S Simmons (Clerk)
1. Police
To receive reports from Police Representatives.

PCSO Richardson attended off duty
Speed checks update- gun is still in calibration
More patrols in flood area that were vacant. It’s now on tasking. Twilight patrol. 
“No cold calling stickers” – please put them on your doors and windows
Sandy Starfish promotion. Free wristband for vulnerable person with parents / adults contact details
999 day tomorrow in Tower Gardens
21st September in library 
Agency day went OK
Wheelchair across road at start of Winchester Rd on a Thursday – parking over ramp. JR to monitor and speak to vehicle owners. Will try and get enforcements officers. Friday morning is also an issue. Blocking funeral Directors. JR will look into

JR left at 19:17hrs

2. Public Session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations. 

1 member of the public attended

3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.


4. Declarations of Interest
Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced.  In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter.  In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.

WB – Playing field

5. Draft Minutes from the Council Meeting on 2nd July 2019
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.

No amendments:
Proposer: WB
Seconder: DK
Vote: unanimous

6. Councillor Vacancies
To discuss promotion of vacancies and consider any co-opting applications

Discussion on co-options. 3 co-options for consideration

V Parker-Hill
Vote: Unanimous
Acceptance of Office signed

J Hart
Vote: Unanimous
Acceptance of Office signed
Actions: Clerk to meet with candidates to complete DPI and relevant paperwork

S Baird – Absent. Is happy to be co-opted in his absence 
Vote: Unanimous 
Action: Clerk to let candidate know and fill in relevant paperwork

No nominations for Vice chair position
Action: Agenda item for next meeting

7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

Flood update – Silt Survey has been commissioned results will be returned within 6 weeks
the EA will share with residents and are committed to remove the silt as per survey.
The Norfolk inquiry is well under way they walked the river on the 29th July and now well
underway to interview all involved, including residents, farmers etc.

This Saturday will be the last day at corrie hall for the agencies our flood worker Lauren will
still be about on a Friday morning in the Market Place and will be available to meet anytime
she will continue in her role for next few months. The 2nd stage of Wainfleet flood appeal is
now open and will remain available until the 31st October

Government have activated the Bellwin fund this will pay all costs incurred to ELDC by the
flood, government is also committed to helping farmers who were particularly hit hard and
has made funds available to assist them

The housing register has finally been brought in house and will be run by a dedicated
housing officer at ELDC, this should simplify the housing allocations and make sure houses
are given out to the correct people

Rough Sleeping update still 15 found on an early morning visit around Skegness last week, I
did a shift with P3 and walked around Skegness from 5am till 7.30am, still lots of work to do.
Hospital in reach workers we have now recruited 2 people to work in Pilgrim and County to
help reduce bed blocking and help residents get home quicker.

Fire stations are doing first responding for lifting residents who have fallen this started 1st
July. The Wellbeing service is using Spilsby Fire station as a midway office to enable
responders to keep the 3 / 4 hour time to get to residents.

8. Clerk’s Report and Action Points from the previous minutes.
To discuss matters arising and any action points

Highways re: Speeding in Spilsby Road. Chased them again 12/08/19 – Highways will look into as they have no record of my email enquiry

Skillingtons have been emailed re memorial 

Any other matters elsewhere in minutes

9. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates. To approve payments and receipts. 

Proposal to accept invoice dated 28/07/2019 and to ask Approved contractor PG to change invoice dated 28/07/19 to July and change Finance sheet to say July as well
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MK
Vote: No objections
Action: Clerk to contact PG

To approve payments and receipts.
Proposer: TG
Seconder: DK
Vote: Unanimous

Discussion of grass cutting quote
Propose that we keep the 6 cuts only
Proposer: WB 
Seconder: MK
Vote: Unanimous 
Action: Clerk to ask TAB when he next doing Wainfleet Bank cemetery and to let TAB know that we are not increasing cuts

Discussion on Poppy wreath costs
£40 donation 
Proposer: WB
Seconder: WH
Vote: Unanimous

Play equipment costs
Discussion on equipment
Proposal to order new Tyre Swing, Childs cradle, Chains for birds’ nest swing and gate spring. 
Proposer: MK
Seconder DK
Vote: Unanimous
Action: Clerk to let WH have a look at the cradle swing
Action WB to apply through community grant  

Playing field grass seed & soil
Discussion on soil not needed. Just grass seed required
Agenda item for next meeting to discussion

10. Remembrance Day Parade
To discuss Remembrance Parade

Discussion on walk from Chapel to Memorial. Announce in Church for everyone to make their own way to memorial 
Action: DW to inform RBL

11. Flooding
To discuss date for emergency planning meeting

Reminder of resilience Meeting 21st October 
Discussion on Emergency planning meeting dates 
Action: Clerk to book St Marys Hall and sort a date with LCC. To invite Thorpe and Croft and Wainfleet St Mary

12. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.

None received

13. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

Taps checked in bus shelter, Cemetery and allotments by Anglian Water. All in order

Northolme Cemetery 
Moles in Cemetery 
Action: WB to speak to SWAT

02/08/19 new ashes plot 326
09/07/19 –Internment of Ashes for Harrison 
Memorial Plot 1012
Memorial Plot 77
Reservation for plot new grave plot 968
Discussion on prices. To be reviewed

Monitor car parking
Action: Clerk to request copy of LCC policy on weed spraying
Action: Clerk to ask TAB when the spraying St Thomas and Northolme path areas

Wainfleet Bank  
Discussion on hedge in Wainfleet Bank as still requires trimming
Action: Clerk to contact TAB 

All Saints Church
As per previous minutes

Discussion on Conditions of Allotments and hedges 
Action: Clerk to send generic letter re: inspection Date 23rd September Monday 5.30pm  

Market Place
Electrician has been called – he will have a look at light by Buttercross
Bus stop plaque above map, needs cleaning and painting. Sign outside play area fence. Both need redoing. Discussion on costs
Proposal that DK to sort 
Proposer: WB 
Seconder: WH
Vote: Unanimous
Action: Clerk to get key cut for clock and bus shelter if we have no spares
Play Area and Playing Field
Discussion on play area. As in minutes 
Action: Clerk to send a letter to school requesting a sign can be put on gate to stop parking in front of gate all day so contractor can cut grass

Bins – WB ongoing and sorting. Replacing bin with a large one

Reminder that Checklists need to be completed

14. Marketing & Promotions
Plants and Tubs

To thank to TG from member of public for sorting baskets

15. Use of playing field    
Terms & Conditions of hiring playing field


16. Review of Official Council Documents 
To review and approve any amendments to working group terms of reference

Discussion on Policies

Finance Policy
No amendments
Proposer: WH
Seconder: WB
Vote: Unanimous

To amend Code of Conduct: 
“Mobile phones and electrical equipment should not be allowed to distract Cllrs at meetings. Any devices brought into meetings should be on silent. Anyone expecting an urgent call are expected to let the Chair know prior to the meeting. Any calls or texts should be taken outside of the meeting place as not to disturb the meeting in hand”
Proposer: WB
Seconder: WH
Vote: Unanimous

“Cllrs are to be mindful of their responses to group emails and not respond with anything that may cause and offence to other Councillors”
Proposer: WH
Seconder: WB
Vote: Unanimous

Action: Clerk to update both of the above and Chair to sign off

Action: Clerk to send hard copy of required policies and email rest out new ones
Cllrs to read and send any recommendations to Octobers meeting

17. Terms of reference for working groups 
To review and approve any amendments to working group terms of reference

Discussion for consideration for added amendments for Properties and Amenities: 
1.    b) monthly to be added 
2.    d / e) To request contractors to contact clerk via email when work has been carried out   
                       - Not at this present time
3.    l) to add additional clause - Any future works are signed off once inspected by Council

Consideration for added amendments for Burial Grounds:
1.    e) To request contractors to contact clerk via email when work has been carried out –                  
                 Not at this present time

Proposer: DK
Seconder: MK
Vote: Unanimous
Action: Clerk to update Policies for signing off

18.  Correspondence
To discuss correspondence 

LALC – 22/07/17 – 29/07/19 – 05/07/19
Letter from Wainfleets 2gether fund £421.07 – to be spent on the young people of Wainfleet. Discussion on something for the play area
Action: Clerk to send a Thank you letter

Discussion on application for approval of felling of trees in Spilsby Road
Proposer: WB
Seconder: DK
Majority agreement
1 Objection MK 
Action: Clerk to send decision in and question why the potential TPO 

Thank you letter from Parish Nurses read out 

Discussion on a Wainfleet charity in need correspondence statement of monies sent
Action: WB to ascertain whether named person is still alive to action account

19. Agenda Items for next meeting

Wainfleet Bank meadow / wildflowers grassing
Vice chair vacancy
Playing field grass seeding

20. To agree the next meeting date as 1st October 2019 (No meeting in September)

21. Closed Session    
To propose going into close session and exclude press and public to discuss an administration issue

22. Meeting Close. 
Mayor DW thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 21:33
I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 13th August 2019.

Mayor: Cllr Wickes Date: 1st October 2019