February 2019

Present: Cllr. W Bowkett (WB), Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Mayor Cllr. A Willerton (AW), Cllr. M Knowles (MK), Cllr. T Graves (TG), Cllr. M Rust (MR), Cllr. C Onyemah (CO), Cllr. D Wickes (DW)
Absent :  Cllr. G Carrington (GC)
Also, in attendance were 2 Members of the Public, S Simmons (Clerk)
Mayor AW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7pm.
1. Police
Jayne sent her apologies and emailed the below report:
Had a patrol with Dog warden – dog fouling especially bad on Rumbold lane and Hastings Dr – cleansing request put through.  Due to damp pavements we were not able to spray dog fouling logo but hopefully will see if able to do on next joint patrol (weather permitting)
The parking enforcement officers have been to Wainfleet and a joint patrol to be carried out 04/02/19 with myself late tea time + a Thursday one organised
There has been a theft of lead at Friskney church – so increased patrols of our rural churches
From WB – on the 19th & 20th June the Police will be in town (Market Place and library) PCSO would like Councillors to attend
2. Public Session 
1 member who has retracted his application to become a Ward Councillor is looking at reapplying again at our next meeting 
2nd Member of public. There is a water leak Dove Coat Lane.
Action: WB LCC to contact highways to review
Annual parish meeting be will be on the 7th May
3. Apologies for Absence
4. To receive Declarations of Interest
5.  Draft Minutes 
Amendments – Note 7 – Should read “Discussion took place”
Proposer - CO
Seconder - MK 
Vote – All agreed
Action: Clerk to amend the minutes
6. Clerk’s Report and Action Points from the previous minutes.
Clerks contract – date to be confirmed for discussion of new contract  
Action: Clerk to arrange a meeting with AW
Clerks training. Does Wainfleet All Saints wish to pay a yearly fee for trainings 2019-2020? To discuss cost sharing with Wainfleet St Mary. Vote: All agreed that it was OK to apply as will also benefit new councillors to Wainfleet All Saints
Action: Clerk to speak to WSM Parish Council and apply 
Clerk has applied to attend an election briefing on 19th February in time for the elections in May.  
Councillors updated that new clerk NI are outstanding and will be sorted for next wage slip
Updated Policies need signing off please
Action: AW to sign policies
Any other items are in agenda
7.  Reports from External Agencies
Lincolnshire County Council:
  • Grit bins should have been filled now. 
  • Keep using fix my street for potholes, lights, roads, dog fouling, blocked drains, dykes. 
  • Parishes will be getting their annual liaison with highways. 
  • LCC are consulting on a 4.95% council tax increase 2% will go on Adult Care. 
  • Highways will return to 2 full cycles of weed spraying, 3 rounds of safety grass cutting and a full cycle of gulley cleaning. There will be extra mobile maintenance teams to manage the winter demand for pot hole repairs.
East Lindsey District Council
  • SWEP has been actioned for the past few weeks to make sure the homeless are off the streets in the cold weather. 
  • Out of hours doctors service at Beacon Medical Practice Ingoldmells 6 – 8.30 and Saturday and Sundays call your surgery or 111 to access. 
  • Skegness X ray dept open till 10pm at night and Saturdays and Sundays. 
  • Green Waste renewal is now due £40.00 for 21 collections between April and March. 
  • Polling date 2nd May
Grit bin is missing on Crowsbridge. There is also a light out in Mill Lane. 
Action: Clerk to enquire about grit bin and find out which light is out and report
Discussion on gritting on the Low road. This is not a main bus route.
8. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates. – handed out 
Late arrivals: 
Web Publicity - Market Place sign £36 (includes VAT) 
Soil £121.81 (excluding VAT)
B&Q - Padlock and keys £9.73 (Including VAT)
TRJ – Alterations to Christmas lights: £2737.20 (Including VAT)
All approved 
Quote for IPAD. This has gone through the insurance
Action: Clerk to meet up with AW to answer questions from insurance company
Clerk confirmed that precept has been emailed and acknowledged 
Creative Play have received their chq – £25,000 funding went through our bank on 16th January 
Consideration for JW to assist Clerk if she is willing a for a few hours as she has been away and new clerk still requiring some training 
Vote – unanimous 
Action: Clerk to speak to JW
To approve payments and receipts.
Proposer – CO 
Seconder – MR
Vote – Unanimous
9. Planning
S/195/00086/19 – erection of an agricultural Storage building
S/039/01485/18 – The application was withdrawn on the 11th January 2019
S/195/02300/18 – Alterations to existing reception and storage building into a holiday cottage 
All emailed prior to meeting and approved
10. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds
Site visits done on 29th January
Market Place: 
Red signs need the wording changed at the bottom from “Wainfleet Market Company” to” Wainfleet All Saints Town Council” x 4 sets of stickers required for both sides. Approved
Contractors have been asked to look at the following and quote if required for:
Notice board lighting
Tiles on bus stop
Broken lights around bus stop
Up lights for Clock tower
Sorting loose bricks around the memorial
To look at lights around memorial as condensation inside
New Play Area:
New play area checklist completed and emailed to CO 
Clerk has meeting on Wednesday with installers to discuss issues with the new play area
Grounds Maintenance has been given a key to both play area and playing field gates
Discussion on signage
Action: Clerk to get a quote for signage
Playing Field:
Fence and new gates have been erected. Positive comments from members of the public
“No dogs” signs have been erected. However, members of the public are still walking their dogs
Hiring agreement has been created and emailed to CO
To consider more substantial fencing in alley way by public toilets as being used as a cut through to playing area
Old Play Area:
Discussion on whether to keep it 
Vote – Majority vote that the whole area will not be cleared. 
Some Councillors are to meet 9am tomorrow morning to confirm with contractor and make a final decision on what to keep
Action: Clerk to contact contractor to see if he can make the meeting or update if they are unable to attend
Action: Clerk to contact approved contractor to quote for repaint and look at flooring on items being kept
Northolme Cemetery:
Plot 1075 
Garden of rest
Plot 226
Land adjacent to Northolme Cemetery.  Fact finding required over land encroachment 
Action – Clerk to send a letter to occupant requesting a meeting
Cemetery Trees:
Discussion regarding rotten tree taken down
Discussion on Yew tree that is overhanging the road
Proposal that both are dealt with before March 
Proposer: DK
Seconder: TG
Vote: Amendment by CO that just the rotten tree is done. Seconder: MK
Vote: Majority vote that both are done as soon as possible
Action: DK to contact contractor to do the work as soon as possible
All allotment rents have been received
Cost of new tap will be £30 plus installation. To be considered when weather is warmer
Discussion on allotments
Action: Clerk to write to 3 owners in relation to fencing and condition of plot 
Wainfleet Bank:
Discussion on hedge. There has also been a complaint from a member of the public
Action: Clerk to ask approved contractor to provide a quote for reducing the height
Discussion on flooding during heavy rain from roadside drain in road by on the high street near level crossing. Has been cleared. Will be monitored
Discussion on Co-op roundabout: consideration for traffic improvement. To monitor
11. Marketing & Promotions
Cinema event:
Discussion on cinema event:
Wainfleet St Mary are happy for WASTC to attend their next meeting on 11th February to discuss. 
TENS form and Booking form on behalf of town council given to DW for perusal at meeting 
Date 9th April Tuesday during the school holidays. Film rating: PG. Family friendly.
Coronation Hall hired from 4.30-8.30. Film start time: 6.30 
Cost for the film will be £375 plus cost for hall £50
Meeting planned for March for those that wish to help
Action: Clerk (JW) to organise banners
Promotion of town: 
WB will email clubs and events to clerk
Action: Clerk to put on a monthly events poster and place in notice board 
Christmas Lights: 
Discussion on lights.
No end of compliments for the Christmas lights.
To turn into an open working group and invite members of the public as well as previous council members to participate.  
Working group for activities to do the switch on this year i.e. Food / Stalls / sleigh / etc…
Market Place:
Bus sign “Buses to Skegness” has been erected 
Bench has been repaired and cable on clock tower tied up as was hanging loose
Web Site: 
Minutes have been uploaded
Discussion on Easter egg hunt. 
Action: DW to let that organiser can apply for S137 for funding in May for next year.
12. Correspondence
Councillors to vote on new applications for Prospective councillors. 
Vote taken – both have been co-opted
Action: Clerk will consult with JW on the application process
Email received from member of public regarding speed limits in Spilsby Road. At the last meeting it was suggested that member of public to create a resident’s petition to send into Highways as it crosses over two parish - Clerk emailed resident. He has resent an email to be discussed, as the area is he talking about is in Wainfleet All Saints
Action: Clerk to Write to Lincolnshire Road Safety Department Partnership and respond to email              
We have received an email requesting for the possibility of a historian/tourist guide that are willing to take a family around town from the USA around later in year
Action: Clerk to contact member of the public and refer to the Wainfleet Museum Committee
CCLA handed to DW 
District Councils Budget consultation 
Temporary Road Closures 
Consultation of community involvement
Best Kept Village Competition – Not at this time
Community Award – Not at this time 
All emailed to Ward Councillors prior to meeting
13. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Football pitch 
14. Next meeting Date(s)
The next council meeting will take place on 5th March 2019 @7pm
Mayor AW thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 21:15.