July 2019

Present: Cllr. D Wickes (DW - Mayor), Cllr W Hatchman (WH), Cllr A Sinclair (AS), Cllr. M Rust (MR) -Vice Chair, Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W Bowkett (WB), Cllr. M Knowles (MK), Cllr. C Onyemah (CO).

Also, in attendance were: 2 Members of the Public . 1 Police Rep.  S Simmons (Clerk)

Absent : Cllr. T Graves (TG)

1. Police
To receive reports from Police Representatives.

JR attended off duty

Trying to get the “no cold calling” zone publicised. Need to ensure that we all have the stickers on the doors to help enforce it 
Twilight zone patrols are being done due to vulnerable properties

Discussion on quad bikes around area. Police are aware and dealing with issue

2. Public Session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

2 members of the public in attendance

Discussion on River and floods. Meeting on Thursday 4th July. There will be a public enquiry. Agencies are working together to work a way forward

3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.


4. Declarations of Interest
Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced.  In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter.  In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.

WB Football – agenda item 11 & 13
AS playing field – agenda item 11 & 13

5. Draft Minutes from the Council Meeting on 5th June 2019
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made

Proposer: WB
Seconder: DK
Vote: Unanimous

6. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

Nothing from WB 

Michelle Howard – EDLC
James Gilbert – LCC
Victoria Burgess – LCC
Sue Fortune - LCF

Discussion on floods

1. We have gone from response to recovery
2. 50 properties internally flooded. A further 12 need verifying. Small percentage not insured. Hardship fund available. 
3. We will have a designated Flood recovery worker called Lauren. She will link in with partnerships, Initially in place for 6 months. She will be at Coronation Hall Thursday – Sat. Will monitor and can change this if needed
4. There have been issues with utilities that LCC are helping flood victims sort 
5. Neighbourhood teams – removal of bulky items. Free of charge. Will continue. Skips available
6. 18,000 sandbags need collecting / removing. To ask volunteers to assist. Discussion on collection and drop off point
7. Media plan in place for next few weeks covering what is happening
8. Wainfleet Flood Appeal has hit £82,000+ To encourage those funding separately to link in with flood appeal
9. Sue Fortune from the Lincolnshire Community Foundation – application forms Hardship grants up to £500. These are for those who have had water coming over the threshold. Attending a meeting tomorrow to put together a panel to discuss the applications. Panel will consist of local representation. Transparent and unbiased. Criteria guidelines but all can apply. Each case will be dealt with on their own merits
10. Team available for farmers and business as well. Partnership meetings have been held and will continue.  
11. Help with communicating with members of the public. Notice boards/ social media/ Phoenix Club / leaflets drops. Over 50 isolation support needs - TED / Community Lincs 

Chair thanked everyone for coming. Representatives then left

Discussion on Cluster meetings that was mentioned in a previous meeting. Cllrs agreed it was a good idea

Play area investigation – WB on hold due to floods

7. Clerk’s Report and Action Points from the previous minutes.

Discussion on Wainfleet Charity account. Unable to change anything. Maybe a previous clerk can sort?
Action: WB / DW to ask Langdons Solicitors in Lincoln to see what can be done
Discussion on changing previous Mayor AW to new Mayor DW as account holder for All Saints Bank accounts
Action: Clerk to arrange

Discussion on rates email for marketplace that was sent which explains the increase in rates
Discussion on Cllrs wearing Lanyards with name on them. Vote: agreed
Discussion on Yellow High Vis jackets – 
Action: Clerk to look into costs 
Pension is still outstanding
Asset register outstanding 
Skillingtons have been emailed regarding the memorial plaque

8. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates. To approve payments and receipts. 

Hanging Baskets receipts approval
Proposer MR
Seconder: As
Vote: Unanimous

Action: clerk to add names to unpresented cheques spreadsheet for reconciliation

Discussion on S137 payments for football team and museum
To reapply so we can precept for money
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MK
Vote Unanimous

Discussion on Came and Company quote. Agreed to keep for one year
Proposer: MK
Seconder: AS
Vote: Unanimous

Discussion on flood appeal chq for £100. Agreed to bank and write chq on behalf of donor
Proposer: AS
Seconder: CO
Vote Unanimous

Discussion on rates payment invoice for Wainfleet St Mary  

9. Flooding
To discuss recent flooding in area

Meeting 4th July 5.30-7pm at Coronation Hal with local MP 
Action: Clerk to arrange thank you correspondence to those that helped during flood 

Lincolnshire Community fund is the official page for donating
Receipts for sand. We may be able to claim back
Clerk read out a Thank you card from Alford and emails that had been sent in  
Independent review for floods emailed out

Discussion on a community event. To consider at another stage

10. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.

Emailed prior to meeting:
S/194/01140/19 - 15 High Street
S/194/00713/19 - Red Lion Pub
No objections

Discussion and All Saints happy to continue to receive planning application

11. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds
Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards, Allotments, Market Place, Play Area and Playing Field, 

Northolme Cemetery 
flood missed it
MK has done several inspections
Grass cutting to be looked into 
Potholes in Spilsby road have been reported to Fix My street 

All Saints 
Hedge needs cutting
Action:  Clerk to arrange meeting with approved contractor TAB 

Complaints about allotment 17
Action: Clerk to send letter 

Fence down sign no overnight parking
Action: MK will repair

Playing field 
Discussion on fence
Proposer for third rail for current fence
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MR
Vote: Unanimous

Market Place:
Action Clerk to contact electrician re: Flashing light in front of cross

Play area
Discussion on gate and prices for play area
Action: Clerk to look into prices 

Discussion on costs of replacing play equipment
Action: WB to look into

12. Marketing & Promotions
Plants and Tubs

Nothing new

13. Use of playing field
Terms & Conditions of hiring playing field

Discussion on hiring field out. To be deferred. Ongoing
Discussion on grass seeding playing field
Action: MK to look into costings of grass seed very far end where containers are. 
WB to donate £200 to grass seed
Proposer to agree in principle to spend up £200 price match if necessary
Proposer: MK
Seconder: DK
Vote: Unanimous

Discussion on gate at end of field for ease of access to the toilets.

14. Moles on playing field
To discuss mole issue in playing field and other areas

Discussion on moles. SWAT man has been trapping for last 6 weeks.

15. Spilsby Road speed limit reduction

Discussion on speeding in Spilsby Road
Action: Clerk to ask PCSO to do some speed checks – periodically over a couple of weeks at different times

Council still waiting for Highways to come back regarding speeding
Action: Clerk to chase

Clerk 16. Japanese Knotweed

Discussion on knotweed  
WB - LCC are dealing with
Action: Clerk to reply to enquiry regarding this

Clerk 17. Derelict Building
To discuss correspondence regarding derelict building 

Discussion on complaint regarding deterioration of a property in Spilsby Road
Action: Clerk Write to enforcement at East Lindsey ask them to visit as dangerous

Clerk 18. Review of Official Council Documents 

19. Terms of reference for working groups 

20. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence 

Fire brigade posters – to go in notice board
Funding opportunities. Emailed to Cllrs
Magdalen Library invite on 11th July 11am to meet Sir David Clarey Master of Magdalen College
Do we want to continue getting planning notices? Yes. 
Action: Clerk to update planning
Action Fraud: Fake driving fines
30 speed limits stickers for wheelie bin to order more
Action: Clerk to order more

21. Agenda Items for next meeting

Gate for playfield and discussion for precept
Grass cutting

During the agenda items discussion MR handed in his resignation as Vice Chair from Council

22 To agree the next meeting date as 6th August 2019

Next meeting will now be on 13th August 2019

I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 2nd July 2019.

Mayor: Cllr Wickes Date: 13th August 2019