June 2019

Present:  M Rust (MR) -Vice Chair, Cllr W Hatchman (WH), Cllr A Sinclair (AS), Cllr. Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W Bowkett (WB), Cllr. M Knowles (MK), Cllr. T Graves (TG), Cllr. C Onyemah (CO)

Also, in attendance were: S Simmons (Clerk)

Absent :Cllr. D Wickes (DW - Mayor), Police Reps

1. Prior to meeting at the request of Vice Chair MR, the Council held a minute’s silence for D-Day

2. Police
To receive reports from Police Representatives.

No Police attendance

3. Public Session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations. 

No public attendance

4. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.

PCSO JR / DW both on Annual leave

5. Declarations of Interest
Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced.  In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter.  In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.

CO - S137 Museum 
WB - S137 Football Team
CO/MR - S137 Coronation Hall
AS - Playing field 

6. Draft Minutes from the Council Meeting on 7th May 2019
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.
Proposer: WB
Seconder: TG
CO objection on Agenda item 20
Vote: Majority vote

To approve public meeting minutes from 28th May 2019
Proposer:  WB
Seconder: DK
Vote: Majority vote
CO was absent so was unable to vote

7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

Cluster meetings: East Lindsey is happy to take comments from councils on how we like to liaise with them. Would we consider for next meeting would we like it with just Clerk and Chairperson at meetings or for us all
Action: Cllrs to decide for next meeting

Action from public meeting. Re: lights in Rumbold Lane. To request that the lights to stay on until 2am instead of midnight. WB has sought advice and requested that members of the public request direct.

8. Clerk’s Report and Action Points from the previous minutes.

Vacancies - notice on board and website. 
Action: Clerk to take down old version in Post Office

Bins x 4 plus extra 1 – Clerk has emailed. Waiting for response

Action: Cllrs to arrange meeting and to look at Policies that need reviewing 

Discussion on Poppies. Proposal to buy 10
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MK
Vote: All agreed

Discussion on costings of replacement swings in play area and new gate as per email from Creative Play
Defer gate and look into swings and chains
Action: Clerk to email play area items to WB for investigation 

Apologies – due to AL and work commitments Clerk has not been able to action all from last meeting

Clerks pension: 
Action: Clerk to arrange meeting with appropriate person to discuss

Picnic event 6th July – This has been cancelled

9. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates.

Discussion on payments made in between meetings:
£428.04 rates for Market Place 
Action: WB will look into this
£540 P Garrill invoice for grass cutting

To approve payments and receipts. 
Proposer: WH
Seconder: MK
Vote: unanimous

Asset register needs re-evaluating to make sure the insurance covers everything
Action: Clerk to look at

Internal audit has now been done and the exercise of public right to be placed on notice board and website

Request for an extraordinary meeting for the proposal for grass cutting
Action: Cllrs to arrange meeting and Clerk to sort contracts for meeting

10. Funding applications (S137’s)
Discussion on S137 funding applications: 

Citizens advice
Proposer: AS
Seconder: WB
Vote: Unanimous

Parish Nurses 
Proposer: WH
Seconder: TG
Vote: Majority vote 
CO objection

Magdalen Museum
Deferred until next financial meeting
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MK
CO Declaration of Interest 
Vote: Unanimous

Football Club
Deferred until the next financial meeting
Proposer: TG
Seconder: MK
WB Declaration of Interest 
Vote: Majority vote
CO objection 

Wainfleet Theatre Club
Reapply for precept grant in October
Proposer: WB
Seconder: DK
Vote: Majority vote
CO objection 

Coronation Hall
Reapply for precept grant in October
Proposer: DK 
Seconder: WB
CO / MR Declaration of Interest
Vote: Unanimous

Pear Tree Defib
Proposer: CO
Seconder: MK
Vote: Unanimous

Action: Clerk to send appropriate letters and organise payment for successful applicants
Action: Clerk to create a poster for next year precept for funding applications

11. Bank accounts
Discussion on Wainfleet In Need Charity Nottingham account. To have name and address changed from a previous Clerk to the new Mayor DW
Action: To ask DW to look into

12. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.

None received

13. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards
Internment of ashes x 3 Plot N265 (24/05/19)
Internment of Ashes plot 299 new cremation area (25/04/19)
Internment plot 1012 (14/05/19)
Internment plot 1190 (20/05/19)
Memorial GOR Plot 82
Internment under the name of Storr (24/05/19) 
Action: Clerk to update paperwork when Parkers have plot number
Action: Clerk to chase Skillington as would like in place by November

All Saints Church yard
Buckled gate has been removed for repair

Allotments, Market Place
Allotment meeting postponed
Checklists handed to Chair or P&A & BG group

Discussion on play area gates
Action: Clerk to get quotes from Moncaster

Allotments rents to stay the same @ £12.50per half year  
Proposer: WH
Seconder WB
Vote Unanimous

Farming allotments increase in 2021 to £180per acre
Proposer: MK
Seconder: WB
Vote Unanimous
Action: Clerk to write letters to allotment holders

Play Area and Playing Field:
Proposal: Not to hire playing field until terms and conditions are finalised 
Proposer: WH
Seconder: MK
AS Declaration of Interest
Vote: Unanimous

Advised reminder from Insurance that a visual check is done weekly by competent person and report back any issues

Discussion on email from creative play re: Cost of replacement swings – as above

Discussion on fence in play area
Proposal to purchase missing panels and place screws into existing panels and painting green to match 
Proposer: WB
Seconder: MK
Vote: Unanimous

Discussion on moles:
Action: WB to investigate and have as agenda item for next meeting

14. Marketing & Promotions

Plants and Tubs
New tubs in Market Place and hanging baskets on bridge
Discussion on hanging basket on bus shelter

Take out W2 and Wainfleet Group
Proposer: WB
Seconder: DK
Vote: Unanimous

15. Use of playing field

Discussion on drones
To monitor situation

To consider an extraordinary meeting regarding grass cutting
Proposer TG
Seconder MK
Vote: Unanimous
Action: Cllrs to organise meeting

16. Spilsby Road speed limit reduction

Clerk spoke with Highways on 10/05/2019 – they have not been able to look at the request yet
Discussion on speed limit as there are potentially 70 properties in the affected area. 
Action: WB to look into speed test for area

17. Review of Official Council Documents 

Defer for next meeting
Clerk and CO to attend Code of Conduct training next week
Action: Cllrs to meet to discuss those that need a review

18. Terms of reference for working groups 

Comments from meeting held 27th May – defer until next meeting due to time constraints

19. Correspondence

Discussion on below:
3rd Annual resilience Communities conference
Revised Precept data - The average band D precept increase in 2019/20 is actually 4.9% and not 5.7% as published in March
Courier fraud – emailed out to Cllrs prior to meeting
Bus updates – emailed out to Cllrs prior to meeting

20. Agenda Items for next meeting


21. To agree the next meeting date as 2nd July 2019

22. Meeting Close. Vice Chair MR thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 22.10
I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 5th June 2019.

Date: 2nd July 2019

Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting of Wainfleet All Saints Town Council held on 
5th June 2019 at 7pm in the Coronation Hall.

Initial    Date: 2nd July 2019


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