December 2019
Notes of Town Council Meeting
held on 3rd December 2019 at 6.30pm
Cllrs present:
Mayor D Wickes (DW), Cllr S Baird (SB), Cllr W Bowkett (WB), Cllr T Graves (TG), Cllr J Hart (JH), Cllr W Hatchman (WH), Cllr D Kettleborough (DK),
Cllr N Chantry (NC), Cllr V Parker-Hill (VP)
Also present:
Clerk: S Simmons
President of Wainfleet RBL (1 member of the public) who arrived at 6.45pm
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
Cllr Chantry and Cllr Parker Hill – apologies accepted
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Bowkett – Personal Interest in Football team agenda item 9d
3. Minutes from the Council Meeting on 4th November 2019
To approve as a correct record the notes of the Annual meeting of the Council held on 4th November and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
Agenda item 11 cemetery should be initials WH not BH
Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED that the rest of the minutes are agreed
4. To receive brief reports from the representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk
Clerks reports is elsewhere in minutes
No report from Police
Report from County & District Councillor Wendy Bowkett
County Report
Our Gritters are ready for action:
Lincolnshire’s gritters will be on call 24/7 until April.
NHS Dentistry:
Recent announcement from NHS England that new NHS dental services for patients requiring routine dental treatment in Boston, Louth, Spalding are being prepared ready for opening in March 2020. There is a Lincolnshire initiative to invite and encourage more young people to consider a career in dentistry.
Dementia Support Service:
Community support is available for people with mild cognitive impairment, dementia and their family and carers through the Dementia Support Service now being run by Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (LPFT). Details about the service, can be found on our website.
Self Care Week:
Although it was in November, it is an annual initiative organised by the Self Care Forum to raise awareness (Self Care Forum fact sheets) (Antibiotics Guardian) (NHS website)
Heavy Rain, Flooding etc:
Useful numbers you may need to report issues resulting from the heavy rain.
- Flooding – 01522 782082
- Dangerous issues – 101
- Fallen tree on the road/footpath – 01522 782070
- Power cut/damaged power lines – 105
In an emergency, always call 999.
Highways issues reporting:
Via our website, FixMyStreet – or download the app.
Contact our Customer Service Centre
If you're out and about and need assistance with finding a location, you can use the handy app "what3words" which you can download
Ten top tips to prepare for winter:
Make sure you've done what you can to prepare for severe weather. A handy checklist, including having a flu jab, making sure your car is ready and how to deal with a power cut is available on the MetOffice Weather Ready website.
CallConnect Christmas Offer:
We are launching and promoting the CallConnect Christmas offer this year throughout Lincolnshire. From December 23 until January 2 (inclusive) is giving passengers the chance to travel free for 15s and under and only £1 one way for adults. It's easy to request a journey either by phoning the booking office on 0345 234 3344 for Lincolnshire or booking online at
Visitors to Lincoln Christmas Market will have an extra treat to enjoy this year!
Each evening, from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 December, the Lincoln Castle will be illuminating its Medieval Wall Walk. For more details on these and upcoming events visit
East Lindsey
East Lindsey have no one rough sleeping today
5. Councillor Vacancies
To discuss promotion of vacancies for Councillors and Vice Chair and consider any co-opting applications and to recommend going into closed session to discuss and decide appointments
Discussion on downsizing from 12 to 10 Councillors. To discuss and RESOLVE at Januarys meeting
6. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates. To approve payments and receipts.
Bellwin invoice has been sent off for £844.78
Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to approve late payment of £25 and £600 and approve payments for November
Payments over £100 for November for transparency
Payee |
Detail |
Amount |
Total |
Staff Costs |
Staff Costs |
£504.45 |
N/A |
£504.45 |
TA Blackamore |
Grass Cutting Sept – Nov |
£2000.50 |
£400.10 |
£2400.60 |
G Bainbridge |
Storage for Council Christmas Items |
£600 |
N/A |
£600 |
7. Bank Account
Update on Bank Account. Standing Orders reflect RFO is to have bank card. Council to resolve
Discussion on bank account as decision made in minutes 1st October agenda item 7 as against Council Policy
Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to redact previous decision made as it goes against Policy and that bank mandate is changed from Chair to Clerk as per Policy. Finance and Standing Orders Policies to be updated to reflect that Clerk is to be a signatory and but not be allowed to sign cheques
8. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.
- Consultation on Planning Application S/194/02106/19 To temporarily site a static caravan to use as living accommodation at property in John Street, Wainfleet
Action: Clerk to ask how long is temporary
- S/194/01762/19 Brewsters Lane was accepted
- S/194/01770/19 Spilsby Road was accepted
9. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds
To discuss and approve any matters arising from the properties, amenities and burial grounds
a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards
To discuss Wainfleet Bank and the option of using meadow / wildflowers grassing
Wainfleet Bank: Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to allow Cllr Bill Hatchman to do the following at no cost to council: to Mow footpath, to establish wildflower meadows, plant a selection of bulbs around gravestones and to keep the hedge to a respectable level. In relation to the Cherry Trees, this has been placed on hold until clarification that this is acceptable
Northolme Cemetery: Proposed, Seconded RESOLVED to have flat tablet only placed on the grave of Harrison. Family to be updated by Clerk
All Saints Church: Discussion on quote for £840 quote for dangerous tree in All Saints yard
Proposed Seconded and RESOLVED to agree to work due to dead trees and concern of H&S. Felling licence not required due to trees being dead
b. Allotments
Update on allotments
Discussion of use of allotment holder to maintain hedge row
Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to offer a one-year free rent for his allotments for 2020 only to provide a one-off cut. Once this has been done, letters to be sent to allotment holders to remind them of their responsibilities as allotment holders
Discussion of Hedges and fences
Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to use outstanding monies approved in minutes 1st October agenda item 9b to mend the broken fences in allotments
Clerk to be sending invoices out to allotment holders and arrange a meeting for Monday 6th January 2019 at 7pm
New enquiry for allotment 16
Letter to be sent to two plot holders regarding condition of allotments
Properties and Amenities Group to arrange meeting to talk to plot holder whose plots requires maintenance and has been sent a letter
c. Market Place
Update on Market Place
Discussion on potholes. H&S issue
Proposed Seconded and RESOLVED to get an emergency temporary repair on pothole and investigate a more permanent solution for next meeting
Action: Clerk to get quotes for permanent repairs and send out agreement of Market Place to Cllrs.
d. Play Area and Playing Field
Discussion on playing field and hiring agreement
P&A group to look at for next meeting and organise meeting with contractor of grass cutting
Football team update – Clerk has requested an invoice for seed £200. Cllr Bowkett has funded the balance
10. Marketing & Promotions
To discuss and resolve where possible any matters arising to marketing and promotions
a. Flower Tubs
Discussion on tubs. Winter flowers. £50 left over. Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to use this to purchase
b. Christmas
Update on Christmas lights
Fantastic. Some are not working but were all PAT tested.
Christmas light switch on went very well. Discussion on possible options for next year. Christmas tree and Father Christmas was well received
Donation bucket for Father Christmas raised £67
c. Wainfleet All Saints Town Raffle
Update on Raffle – poster has been done – awaiting figures to add to it. Lottery form to be completed once figures are confirmed
11. Emergency Planning Meeting
Discussion on emergency planning meeting that took place on 27th November. Next meeting will be held on 20th January at Croft. Cllr Wickes and Cllr Bowkett have agreed to be designated contacts for Wainfleet All Saints
Action: Clerk to email Emergency planning LCC dates for Cllr Baird
12. ELR50
Discussion of events ELR50 visit to Wainfleet All Saints in 2020
13. RBL 2020
Council session closed at 20.13hrs for public session to discuss RBL with President of Wainfleet Royal British Legion
President for RBL gave dates for 2020
RBL would like to have a meeting with Council to discuss events. Meeting dates to be confirmed and taken back to RBL
Public session closed at 20:20hrs and Council meeting resumed
14. Precept
To discuss precept for 2020 and bring recommendations to Council for approval at Januarys meeting
Discussion on precept and S137 / grants
S137 allowance for 2020 is £8.32 per person
Finance working group to bring suggestions for Precept amount to Council for Januarys meeting
15. Parish Agreement Scheme – Urban Highway Grass Cutting 2020/21
To resolve whether to approve scheme for 2020
Discussion on grass cutting and to consider volunteers in the future
Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to use Urban Highways Grass Cutting scheme for 2020/21
1 Objection and 2 abstained
17. Correspondence:
To discuss correspondence received
- LALC – 18/11/19, 03/12/19
- EDS2 briefing paper. Equality Delivery System NHS – Clerk to monitor and only send what is relevant
- Enforcements notices have been issued locally
18. Agenda Items for next meeting and to agree the next meeting date as Tuesday 7th January 6.30pm
- June 13th Saturday event day
- Award and picture
- Gate for play area
- Market place potholes repairs quotes
19. Meeting Close.
Mayor closed the meeting at 20:43hrs and thank everyone for attending