July 2022

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting


Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 5th July 2022 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W. Hatchman (WH), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. V.Parker-Hill (VPH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB).

Absent : Cllr. C.Harbon, Cllr, B.Harbon (BH)


Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 2 members of the public.


Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00


1. Police report 

To receive a report from the police representative

PCSO J. Richardson was unable to attend the meeting and did not send in a report.


2. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

The representative of Ian Naylor Auctions addressed council and repeated his earlier correspondence regarding an additional auction on a Tuesday for a limited period of 8-10 weeks. Mayor DW advised that this would be dealt with later in the meeting and a decision advised in due course. The representative also reported a disturbance at the auction last Friday. Council advised that all such incidents should be reported by 101 unless extremely urgent when 999 should be used.

Mayor DW closed the public session at 18:10 and council resumed the meeting.


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.

Cllrs. CH and BH had previously sent apologies for absence due to holidays.


4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.



5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 6th June, 2022.

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at these meetings.

Draft minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 6th June had already been circulated to council.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept these minutes as a true record of the Town Council meeting held on 6th June, 2022.


6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.


Return of unused plots – awaiting family return

Dog poop bag stations – awaiting installation. Cllrs JH and WB to arrange. 2 to be retained.

Poplars in play area – Cllr. WB was to contact school to see who arranged for previous work.

War Memorial – revised application submitted. Still awaiting clarification from ELDC if planning is required.

Policy documents review – ongoing

Tenant of plot 10 sent notice to quit – no response

Verebros advised of acceptance of quotation – awaiting date for work to commence.

ELDC contacted regarding PSPO for play area – reply circulated to councillors.

Trying to arrange date to meet S. Bogg re: CCTV in play area

Signage and picnic benches in play area – Cllr. WB was to approach contractor. Cllr WB to contact another contractor.

Bus shelter graffiti and Xmas lights – was to be dealt with “shortly”. Cllr. DK to deal with once bunting removed.

Cemetery pathways  - was to be “reviewed”. – deferred to October.

Duchy of Lancaster contacted re: Buttercross – no response.

Quotation requests sent to 3 law firms re: Market Place lease – 2 responses received. Discussed under marketplace.

Cllr. WH was to arrange storage of plastic chairs at WSM – Awaiting action from WSM clerk.

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership contacted re : sharing of SID – no response. Discussion on LRSP. Agreed to defer membership of LRSP and order signage.  Clerk to get prices for signage.

Status of 2 Spilsby Road – Cllr. WB was to investigate and report.  Waiting for time limit imposed by ELDC.

E-mail sent to WUJFC re fence.

Still awaiting reply from LIVES for replacement defibrillator pads – 2nd reminder sent. Clerk to investigate other suppliers.

Clerk incurred 2hrs overtime in 4 week period to 18th June.


7. Councillors Action list report

To receive a report from Cllr. D.Kettleborough on the councillor action list.

Cllr. DK commented that all issues had been dealt with under the clerks report.

8. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.


County council 

A bid for over 100 charging points across the county has been made to government. The charging points will be placed in residential areas and car parks.

Lincolnshire police are making £20,000 available to purchase 20 high tech night vision cameras to use in rural areas to try and reduce rural crime.

Any unwanted medical equipment can now be taken to any of our waste / recycling sites for cleaning/refurbishment so it can be reused. Large items can be collected on 0345 1212032.

The Newly formed integrated care partnership and care board commenced on the 1st July, this has replaced the CCGs and it should mean greater integrated working across the system including our doctor practices. 


District council 

The connected towns deal fund have been confirmed, Skegness has been awarded £24.5 million, Mablethorpe £23.9 million and Boston £21.9 million. The details of what the money will be spent on has been submitted and has been approved.

For Skegness this will mean a new learning campus, Skegness foreshore major revamp, Skegness railway station improvements and a culture house at the Embassy centre along with the town centre seeing enhancement and improvements.

I have £1000 community fund to help local groups, if anyone knows of any group in Wainfleet that needs help then please let me know.

Discussion on Cllr. WB report. 


9. Finance

a. To receive financial reports and updates. 

The monthly financial report and bank reconciliation for June had previously been circulated to councillors. Discussion on monthly report.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the June Financial Report.


b. To approve payments and receipts. 

Discussion on payments to be made.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for June.

For transparency the following payments in excess of £100 were made in June :

Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board Drainage Rates £210.87 £0.00 £210.87
Duchy of Lancaster Market place lease £100.00 £0.00 £100.00

Grass cutting contracts – May

£1475.00 £0.00 £1475.00
D.Ward Gazebo erection/dismantling June/QPJ assistance £620.00 £0.00 £620.00
NMS Accounting Internal Audit fee £150.00 £0.00 £150.00
D.Wickes Mayors allowance £540.00 £0.00 £540.00
Malc Firth Landscapes Grass cutting April/May £758.00 £151.60 £909.60
Healthguard Ltd Mole control contract £250.00 £50.00 £300.00
P&K Lewis Office rental £400.00 £0.00 £400.00
Staff Costs Staff Costs £767.29 £0.00 £767.29


10. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

No new applications received.

S/194/00690/22 – Mill Lodge – extension – approved

EZY/0057/22/TPA – The Telex Brooks Walk, tree removal – previously circulated – no objections.


11. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups..

a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards.

New memorial plot GR51

New memorial plot GR55A

There are several invoices due payment amounting to £2200. Discussions on late payments by Skegness & district funeral directors.

A Report from C. Horton (tree officer ELDC) had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on report. Trees in Northolme in December 2021. ACTION: Cllr. DK to contact tree surgeon to look at trees in playing field.


b. Allotments – to include a proposal to sub-divide one of the plots.

Notice to quit has been sent to plot 10. 

Discussion on possible sub-division of allotments. Discussion on assignment of available plot.

ACTION : Clerk to contact tenant of plot 12 to arrange meeting with Cllr. JH. Clerk to contact next person on waiting list to arrange an initial meeting with Cllr. JH. 

Discussion on plot 12. Tenant of plot 12 has not yet contacted Cllr. JH.

ACTION: Clerk to remind tenant of plot 12 that meeting with Cllr. JH is still required.


c. Market Place

Discussion on signage. Closure signs need to put in correct location. Positive comments on signage.

Discussion on tubs/planters in Marketplace. Watering is an issue and 4 tubs need to replaced. ACTION: CC to contact Lincs BID to see if there are still planters available. If not available, then need to approach the OAP fund.

Discussion on watering/care of tubs and planters by residents. Issues with some planters not being kept at a high standard. Councillors to take back control of those planters. ACTION: Cllr. DW to contact those residents who agreed to look after the planters and Cllr. DK to draw up watering rota.

Discussion on replies from solicitors approached to review Marketplace lease. Three companies contacted, two responded. Agreed to contract Sills Legal to review the legal documents. If necessary funds to be taken from reserves.

Discussion on repairs to marketplace car park. Clerk advised the there had been no further contact from the contractor and was still awaiting a date when the repairs would be done. ACTION: Clerk to chase up contractor and get a date for the repairs.

Discussion on request from Ian Naylor Auctions to hold a 2nd auction on Tuesdays.

PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to allow a 2nd auction for a period of 8 weeks at a rate of £20 per auction. ACTION : Clerk to advise Ian Naylor Auctions.

Discussion on holding an additional market on Tuesday to coincide with the auction. Decision deferred pending further information and feedback from residents.

Discussion on councillor surgeries at the Marketplace. Agreed that councillors would organise a rota so that 2 councillors (minimum) would attend the Marketplace each week.


d. Play area and Playing Field – to include a discussion on how to tackle littering in the play area and the response from ELDC regarding a PSPO.

Discussion on new play equipment. Clerk advised that payment to supplier had been delayed due to issues with paintwork and incomplete work. ACTION: Clerk to contact supplier and request a meeting to review issues and agree a timeframe for the repairs, and to advise that payment is waiting to be made subject to completion of the contract.

Discussion on official opening of play area. Agreed to hold an official opening on Friday 9th September at 3pm.

Discussion on grass cutting in play area. Issues on number and quality of cuts to date. ACTION : Clerk to contact contractor to arrange site meeting next week.

Discussion on report on broken fence near railway track. A tree from a neighbouring (rented) property is resting on the fence and causing damage. ACTION: Cllr. WB to give details of complainant and Clerk to contact to establish details of landlord.

Discussion on littering. General improvement with more people showing an interest in keeping the area tidy. School will be providing a large litter bin. Discussion on general condition of play area (vandalism, litter, gate, etc.). Response from ELDC regarding a proposed PSPO discussed. Council expressed frustration that ELDC/LCC are unable to react to a changing situation.

Damage reported to small red dragon in play area. ACTION: Cllr. WH to effect repair.


12. Marketing and Promotions

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for marketing and promotion. To discuss xmas lights for 2022.

Discussion on outstanding issues from the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Vouchers received and winners decided. ACTION: Clerk to place notice advertising winners of best cake, best decorated house, best decorated shop window and best dressed person.

Discussion on Xmas activities. Cllr. WB presented a summary of the lights required for the Marketplace with approximate costs. Clerk advised budget that was agreed for Xmas activities. Councillors agreed to set up a separate subgroup to deal with the Xmas activities. Sub group will meet on 13th July at 5pm. Councillors involved on subgroup are DW,DK,WB,WH,JH.  Discussion on inviting WSM to join in with subgroup.


13. Dog Fouling

To discuss recent complaints about dog fouling, installation of additional bins and siting of the poop bag stations.

Discussion on dog fouling. ACTION: Cllrs. JH and WB will arrange installation of poop bag stations.


14. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received

Report from C.Horton re trees in St Thomas’ has been circulated – see item 11a

e-mail from resident re : dog fouling on Dovecote Lane. ACTION : Clerk to send details to ELDC to arrange a new dog poop bin for Dovecote Lane.

E-mail from ELDC re : shared prosperity fund circulated.

E-mail from resident complaining about bird scarers – answered.

E-mail from plot 3 advising of temporary difficulties due to medical reasons.

Reply from ELDC re : PSPO – circulated.

LCC e-mail tree planting scheme – discussed. Due to minimum volume requirement council unable to apply.

E-mail from LCC re: Real Deal Charter – discussed. No further action.


15. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda,

Fly tipping.


Mayor DW thanked all for their attendance and contribution and closed the meeting at 20:30 hrs.