August 2022
Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 2nd August 2022 in the town council offices.
Councillors present : Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. W. Hatchman (WH), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. V.Parker-Hill (VPH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. C.Harbon, Cllr, B.Harbon (BH).
Absent : Cllr. S.Baird (SB)
Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC), PCSO J.Richardson (JR), Grace Tompkins (GT) YMCA representative and 1 member of the public.
Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00
1. Police report
To receive a report from the police representative
JR gave a report – suspicion person police are monitoring the area. JR explained the difference between on line reporting and 101 reporting. Monthly newsletter sent out today.
2. Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.
Grace Tompkins from YMCA gave an introduction on the Age Friendly business awards and how council can be involved. GT visits businesses showing them how to be more age friendly, with the idea to make the whole county age friendly. Would like council to help promote this. Information is available both on line and on paper. Training is also available for businesses. Will be available some Fridays to promote amongst Wainfleet businesses.
A representative from the September Bike festival requested to use power supply in market place on 3rd Sept. Mayor DW commented that council would always support local events, but the decision would be taken in full council.
It was reported banner on A52 was loose – already been repaired.
Mayor DW closed the public session at 18:20 and council resumed the meeting.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence
Absent SB (ill)
4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 5th July, 2022.
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at these meetings.
Draft notes from the meeting had been published and circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.
PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept these minutes as a true record of the Town Council meeting held on 5th July, 2022.
6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Completed issues
* Dog poop bag stations installed. Cllr. JH will be responsible for refilling the stations.
* War memorial grant application submitted
* New tenant for plot 10 secured
* New picnic tables installed in play area
* Sills Legal contracted to review market place lease
* WUJFC will not require fencing
* No defibrillator pads available
* Tuesday auction agreed up to 6th September and paid for.
* Watering rota orgnised
Issues still pending
Return of unused plots – awaiting family return
Poplars in play area – Cllr. DK will review with tree surgeon and check availability to start work
Policy documents review – ongoing
Verebros sent a further 2 reminders about the work. Now scheduled for 31st August & 1st September.
Bus shelter graffiti and Xmas lights – Cllr. WB awaiting information from ELDC regarding cleaning materials to use
Duchy of Lancaster contacted re: Buttercross – reply received stating that their surveyor would be dealing with the matter.
Cllr. WH was to arrange storage of plastic chairs at WSM
Speed awareness signage quote obtained – decision required on which and how many.
Still awaiting reply from LIVES for replacement defibrillator pads – 2nd reminder sent.
Clerk contacted Lincs BID re: planters. Change of person dealing with matter. They will still be available and further details to follow.
Clerk contacted play area equipment supplier regarding issues. Repairs due to be made by 29th July.
Cllr. WH to repair damaged dragon in play area this week.
Clerk contacted ELDC regarding poop bin in Dovecote Lane – response circulated.
Wainfleet sign on A52 obstructed – Cllr. WB to chase up with highways.
Clerk issues:
Clerk incurred 3.5hrs overtime in 4 week period to 16th July.
Clerk is on holiday from 12th-28th September. October meeting should be 4th October, but the agenda has to be published 3 clear days prior to the meeting (excluding the day of publication, the day of the meeting and Sundays), so the agenda cannot be published in time to have a meeting on 4th October.
Proposed, seconded and resolved to move the October meeting to Tuesday 11th October.
7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Cllr. WB had circulated her reports prior to the meeting which briefly were :
Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire county council are working with the centre for aging better and the district councils on the good home alliance project.
Residents in the county are being encouraged to share their views on what housing related services they use.
We would like your views on energy efficiency advice, services for minor repairs as well as how you would undertake major refurbishment projects around the house.
We would also like your views on how your experiences have been engaging with the Councils, health and commits groups.
Ultimately, we want a single point of contact for support and advice on housing related issues.
Please provide your feedback by completing the short survey at
Highways advise that in the last quarter, the total number of potholes reported in was 5086, with 9206 potholes being filled in total. The planned area for surface dressing in 2022 / 2023 is 2,200,000 sq metres.
The total parking notices issues last quarter was 9472.
Approximately 20,000 school children have been offered free activities and meals during the summer holidays.
I will be doing a ward walk with highways officers. Please email any of concern.
East Lindsey District Council
The Annual Canvas will take place from July 29th.
LCC received £5.5 million household support fund for the period April to September. 53% of this has gone to support pupils with free school meals, early years support and pupil premium. A one off payment of £95 per child was mad to families during May and June to help with food bills as when needed.
It has been agreed that the majority of the remaining fund will go to low income households of state pension age, this will be done by the district councils and will start targeting eligible households as soon as the data is received from DWP.
The weed cut in the steeping will commence this month, as well as the programme of works for the rest of the year.
Cllr. WB advised that there will be an event in September which will require the emergency response procedure to be in place. Cllr. BH advised update on the work. Discussion on emergency planning. Cllr. BH will forward report to date for circulation. Meeting to be arranged later.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
8. Finance
a. To receive financial reports and updates.
The monthly financial report and bank reconciliation for July had previously been circulated to councillors. Discussion on monthly report.
PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the July Financial Report.
b. To receive and discuss the first quarter financial report.
The Clerk had submitted the first quarter financial review to councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr. CH asked for an explanation on grass cutting services. Discussion on grass cutting.
c. To approve payments and receipts.
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for July.
For transparency the following payments in excess of £100 were made in July :
Payee | Details | Amount | VAT | Total |
DK Design & Print | QPJ Flyers | £120.00 | £0.00 | £120.00 |
Web Publicity & Signs | Market Place Banners | £168.00 | £33.60 | £201.60 |
D.Ward | Gazebo erection/dismantling | £320.00 | £0.00 | £320.00 |
G,Baumber | Ceilidh Band – QPJ | £350.00 | £0.00 | £350.00 |
Alpha memorials | Storm damage to memorials | £375.00 | £75.00 | £450.00 |
ELDC | Cemetery rates 2021/22 | £501.79 | £0.00 | £501.79 |
ELDC | Cemetery rates 2022/23 | £548.90 | £0.00 | £548.90 |
P.Whiley | Grass cutting contracts – July | £1475.00 | £0.00 | £1475.00 |
Gallagher | Annual Insurance | £2099.92 | £0.00 | £2099.92 |
Staff costs | Staff costs | £700.60 | £0.00 | £700.60 |
P&K Lewis | Office Rent | £400.00 | £0.00 | £400.00 |
Sills Legal | Payment on account – review of Marketplace lease | £240.00 | £0.00 | £240.00 |
9. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.
No new applications or decisions received
10. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds
To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups..
a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards.
Internments plots 673, 1195
Ashes plots 1195, GOR 111, GOR 380, 55.
Memorial plot : 55
Clerk advised that Skegness & District Funeral Directors had settled their outstanding account.
Cllr. DW to meet with tree surgeon to review tree work needed in Northolme (quote was submitted in January).
Clerk reminded council that all treework in conservation area had to be approved prior to work.
b. Allotments
Plot 10 now leased -another person added to waiting list (back up to 4).
All other allotments in good order.
Current regulations state that produce from the allotments may not be sold. Discussion on sale of goods from allotments. No changes to regulations to be made.
c. Market Place – to include a discussion on the defibrillator.
Discussion on defibrillator – long wait for pads. Current model is now discontinued (parts still available for now). Agreed to continue to wait for new pads to arrive.
Review of Marketplace lease from Sills Legal had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on review. Finance subgroup to discuss budgetary provisions for car park maintenance. ACTION: Clerk to advise solicitors that no further action required at present.
Discussion on recommendations from Marketing subgroup. Clerk advised that extra tubs/planters are available from Lincs BID up to £2000. ACTION: Clerk to request 4 self watering tubs from LINCS BID.
Discussion on Tuesday/Friday Auction. Some issues with parking during auction and litter after auction. ACTION : Cllrs. DW/WB will take this up with auctioneer. Cllr. JH advised that some members of public are being abusive when asked to move vehicles for the auction.
ACTION: Cllr. WH to arrange banners advising no parking on Monday nights.
Cllr. WB advised that Cllr. JH was to organise a Remembrance Day display in the office window . A budget of £50 was suggested. PROPOSED,SEONDED and RESOLVED to allow Cllr. JH to spend up to £50 from the M&P budget for the window display.
d. Play area and Playing Field – to include a discussion on how to tackle littering in the play area and a report from the P&A subgroup meeting.
Discussion on litter. Cllr. WB has been doing regular litter picks. New bin to be placed near small play area. School supplied bin delayed until return from holidays in September.
Discussion on opening ceremony for new play area. Agreed that opening day would be 9th September at 3pm. All donors to be invited, suggested that a representative from the principal donor be asked to official open the area. Litter picks to be organised in the days prior to the opening. Guests to be invited back to the office for refreshment.
Discussion on issues with new play area, specifically paintwork and wooden surrounds. Contractor due to be on site this week to do remedial work and will be asked to review.
11. Marketing and Promotions
To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for marketing and promotion. To receive a report from the M&P subgroup meeting.
The Marketing & Promotions subgroup had meet and the following points brought to council for consideration.
Discussion on A3 printer for the office. To be reviewed at Finance subgroup.
Discussion on Xmas activities. Further suggestions will be discussed at the Xmas subgroup meeting to be held 3rd August.
Discussion on date of Xmas light switch on. Proposed to use Saturday 26th November 4.00 pm. Victorian Themed Market to run from 12 to 5pm. Costs for stall to be £15 and £50 deposit to hold stall. ACTION: Clerk to contact last years attendees to register interest.
Discussion on Xmas Tree. To be finalised at subgroup meeting.
Discussion on Xmas lights. Budget agreed at £4,600 plus any additional donations. ACTION : Clerk to approach Lincs BID to see if funding would be available. Cllr. WB to meet with clerk to draft letter to send to local businesses to ask for support. Cllr. CH to research possibility of getting a tree donated.
Discussion on films being organised by the Methodist Chapel. Cllr. DW advised that £300 had been “ring-fenced” from previous years. Clerk voiced concern that he was unaware of any record of this and made council aware of their limits of spending and powers.
12. Councillor identification
To discuss the suggestion to have photographic details of the council on display on notice boards and website.
Cllr. JH proposed that photos of councillors should be on display on noticeboards. Discussion on proposal. Agreed that this was a good idea, ACTION: Clerk to take photographs of councillors and prepare a poster.
13. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received.
The following correspondence had been received:
E-mail from Wilsons re: land for sale – no further action.
Reply from ELDC re: dog waste bins – no further action.
Best start summer timetable received – on notice boards.
E-mail from parishioner following up on bird scarers – parishioner advised that this was a county issue.
E-mail from parishioner complaining about pot holes in market place -parishioner advised that work was scheduled.
Archer (speeding) survey on Spilsby Road received and circulated. No further action.
Reply from Sills Legal re: Marketplace lease. See item 10c.
Posters/leaflets free bus pass awareness – to be promoted in Marketplace.
14. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda,
Xmas 2022
P&A Tuesday 16th at 2pm
Next Meeting Tuesday 6th September at 6pm.
Mayor DW thanked all for their contribution and closed the meeting at 20:30 hrs.