February 2022
Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 1st February 2022 in the town council offices.
Councillors present :
Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. S.Baird (SB), Cllr. W.Bowkett (WB)
Cllr. J. Hart (JH), Cllr. W.Hatchman (WH), Cllr. V. Parker-Hill (VPH).
Absent : None
Also Present :
Clerk C. Cleary (CC), PCSO J.Richardson (JR) , 3 members of the public
Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the public meeting at 18.00 hrs.
1. Police
To receive reports from the Police Representative
PCSO JR gave the following report :
Two users of E-scooters in town have been warned that it is illegal to use them on public highways. Further incidents will result in confiscation.
Police are aware of a nuisance motorbike on Magdalen Road.
Police have requested the use of the council offices to hold a surgery on 9th February. Councillors approved the request.
Police now have hand held radar gun which will be in use throughout the area in the coming weeks.
A drugs warrant has been issued in the Patten Road area.
Police and council aware of the major problem of dog fouling in the town. Dog warden will be visiting in the near future. Clerk and JR to coordinate visit and review,
Council advised JR that parking outside of chemist was potentially dangerous. PCSO JR to investigate further.
2. Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.
Parishioner complained about lack of double yellow lines on Merryfield Road. Also issue of dangerous parking on double yellows in the town. Parishioner advised to come to police surgery on 9th Feb.
There being no further questions, Mayor DW called council into full session at 18:17.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
None. All councillors present.
4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced. In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter. In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.
Cllr VPH – Item 12a. Cllr WB – Item 12b
5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11th January, 2022
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.
Draft minutes of the meeting held on 11th January had already been circulated to councillors.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 11th January 2022..
6. Councillor Vacancies -
To consider the applications from Mr. Brian Harbon and Mrs. Carole Harbon to join the town council
Council had received two applications to join the council from Mr. Brian Harbon and Mrs. Carloe Harbon.
Mayor DW welcomed the applications and asked if the council had any further questions or if the applicants had any further questions.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to co-opt Mrs Carole Harbon onto the council.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to co-opt Mr Brian Harbon onto the council.
Cllrs. B.Harbon and C.Harbon duly signed the acceptance of office in front of the Clerk, and were invited to the main council table.
7. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Matters arising from last meeting
Paperwork forwarded and received back from potential new councillors
Precept submitted
Letter sent to Frank Wood Funeral Directors – still awaiting payment
Return of unused plots – Cllr. VPH advised that the family were on holiday and will deal with the matter on return.
Letter to LAAT – clerks comments circulated - discussed under item 12d
Letter sent to Woolpack and Batemans re litter. Discussion on litter outside The Angel. Agreed that Cllr. WB will visit and discuss issue with the owners. Cllr SB stated that our procedure should now be meet first, write if no further improvement, and then enforce.
Dog warden contacted and more signage requested.
Litter bin sites – circulated. Discussion on location of litter bins and dog fouling. Meeting to be arranged between Police, Dog warden and clerk to review issues in the town. Cllr. WB to organise Facebook campaign to try and reduce dog fouling in the town. Cllr WB to visit The Angel PH to discuss issue of cigarette butts being discarded in front of building.
Still awaiting quote from TRJ re Buttercross .
Market trader policy – pending
Ian Naylor invoice – pending
Councillors gmail accounts - pending
Bus Shelter graffiti removal – pending
Dog poop bag stations – pending
Interactive notice boards – pending
Advertisement for local traders - pending
GFS Wainfleet – Cllr VPH has been unable to contact the local representative. Clerk to contact GFS head office to arrange meeting with the local representative.
8. Councillors Action list report
To receive a report from Cllr. D.Kettleborough on the councillor action list.
Councillors were given a list of pending items and the councillor responsible for following up.
Potholes in Market place to be dealt with next week.
Planings for Northolme. Cllr. WH to arrange delivery of planings.
Cllr. VPH to discuss with school regarding litter
Cllrs. WH/DK will install new play area signage.
Discussion on storage of barriers
Bus Shelter tap still pending.
Graffiti on bus shelter to be dealt with by Cllrs. WH/DK
9. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
Do you know a person or organisation that goes that extra mile for your area, you can nominate them for the Lincolnshire County Council good citizens award.
The nominations come under four categories, Citizen of the year, young citizen under 21, community group of the year and couple/pair of the year.
The winner will enjoy a VIP day at the Lincolnshire show and a framed certificate, closing date is the 6th May.
Find out more and make your nomination, by going on the LCC website or writing to
Free post RSTY-UXJB-ARHK LCC, PDP 17 communication County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL.
Lincolnshire County Council propose an increase of 3% for council tax which is entirely for Adult care, the strains on home and residential care during the pandemic and increasing costs with wages, energy bills and Insurance have already closed residential and nursing homes around the county.
The desilting on the relief channel has commenced and is going well, and they are already ahead of schedule, lots of silt is being removed which is good news.
A new action plan will be worked up , which will provide the work plan for the coming year.
Covid rates are dropping in the county although 4 - 11 year-olds is still an issue in schools. Vaccines are still available and the storehouse Skegness is open again this weekend for walking as well as pre bookings.
10. Finance
To receive financial reports and updates.
The January bank reconciliation and financial report had previously been circulated to councillors. Discussion on financial report.
PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to approve the January financial report.
To approve payments and receipts.
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve all payments and receipts for January.
For transparency, payments made in January in excess of £100 were :
Payee | Detail | Amount | VAT | Total |
Web Publicity & Signs | Xmas ad banners | £280.00 | £56.00 | £336.00 |
Staff costs | Staff costs January | £698.04 | £0.00 | £698.04 |
TRJ Electrics | PAT Testing | £90.00 | £18.00 | £108.00 |
TRJ Electrics | Xmas lights installation | £755.90 | £151.18 | £907.08 |
TRJ Electrics | Xmas lights faults call outs | £210.00 | £42.00 | £252.00 |
Stay Glassy | Picnic Benches | £780.00 | £0.00 | £780.00 |
Pete Whiley | Grass cutting November | £200.00 | £0.00 | £200.00 |
Pete Whiley | Bridge Painting | £500.00 | £0.00 | £500.00 |
P&K Lewis | Office Rent | £400.00 | £0.00 | £400.00 |
Discussion on farm allotment rents. In a previous meeting it was agreed to review the farm allotment rental on an annual basis.
Proposed and seconded that the rent be increased from £180 to £185 for the year commencing 1st April 2023. Councillors voted against the proposal.
Proposed and seconded that the rent be maintained at the rate already agreed for 1st April 2022. RESOLVED by majority vote that the farm allotment rent to be unchanged for the year commencing 1st April 2023.
Discussion on the Nottingham Building Society account.
ACTION: Clerk to investigate the options of alternative deposit accounts.
11. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.
The following applications have been received.
S/194/02357/21 – Holme Farm – Approved
S/195/02470/21 – Barkham Arms alteration of application –Discussed and councils original objection still stands. ACTION: Clerk to write to ELDC to confirm original application still stands.
S/194/02423/21 – 51 High Street – Approved
S/194/02422/22 – 51 High Street – Approved
S/194/02290/21 – Sunset View – Approved.
54 High Street – ACTION: Clerk to reply giving our support to the business, citing Coronation Hall.
12. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds
To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups.
a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards.
The following had taken place in Northolme Cemetery
Internments plots 1198, 774 and 329
Payment from Frank Wood Funeral Directors still outstanding from December.
Discussion on plot markers available to mark graves.
Discussion on All Saints Churchyard. Clerk clarified that the upkeep of the Churchyard is the councils responsibility, Discussion on hedges bordering the churchyard. ACTION: Clerk to write to neighbour to confirm their ownership of the hedge and advise that we shall be cutting the overhang on the churchyard side unless they have any objections.
b. Allotments.
Clerk advised that garden allotment invoices had been raised and several had already paid. Farming allotment invoices to be raised following agreement of 2023 rates.
Cllr. JH reported that plots 10, 12 and 17 were not in the best of condition. Discussion on general state of allotments.
ACTION: Clerk to write to allotment holders to arrange a meeting on Sunday 27th February at 12.00. Cllrs. JH, DW and WH to attend.
c. Market Place
Discussion on market. Confirmed that market will re-start on 4th February.
Discussion on market on 3rd June. Deferred to next meeting.
Request from ELDC to have Nature Lab at Market on 3rd June. Clerk to reply.
d. Play Area and Playing Field.
A cheque for £15,000 has been received from the Worth Waynflete Foundation towards the new play area development. The total now available for the project is £43513.17.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to instruct supplier to commence installation at earliest opportunity.
ACTION : Clerk to write letter of thanks to Mr. Worth.
Discussion on letter that was to be sent to LAAT regarding maintenance of playing field. Agreed that prior to communicating in writing, Cllrs. WB and DW will arrange a meeting with the school to discuss maintenance.
13. Marketing and Promotions
To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for marketing and promotion
Discussed under items 14 and 15.
14. Christmas 2022
To discuss and review Christmas 2021 and agree actions for planning Christmas 2022
Clerk advised that £750 to spend on Xmas lights had been promised by ELDC. Discussion on lights. All current lights to be looked at on 10th February with an electrician and decision on replacements/new lights to be taken after this date.
15. Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration
To receive a report from the sub-committee regarding planned events for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Cllr. WH had circulated a copy of the minutes of the sub-committee meeting where the Jubilee celebrations were discussed. Council agreed in principal with the proposal. Further details to follow after the next meeting on 28th February.
Discussion on proposed activities and requirements. Provisionally WSMPC are prepared to contribute.
ACTION: Clerk to contact possible food stalls to attend the Sunday event.
16. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received
Letter from organisers of the bike festival requesting the use of gazebos in September. Approved. ACTION : Clerk to reply confirming that the bike festival organisers may have use of the gazebos for the event.
E-mail from RLBI – are we doing anything for Falklands anniversary? Council would be happy to support their event.
E-mail from Magna Vitae – Events awareness training on 25th February. Agreed that Cllr. CH would attend. Clerk to make arrangements.
17. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
Play area
Memorial and Buttercross update.
Town Litter pick.
Market traders agreement. Clerk to send out current documentation to WB/JH/DW.
Review of sub-committee groups.
M&P sub-committee to meet at 4pm on 9th February
Annual parish Meeting
Mayor DW thanked all for their contribution and closed the meeting at 20.30 hrs.
I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 1st February, 2022. |
Signature: Mayor: Cllr Wickes |
Date: 1st March, 2022 |