January 2022

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting


Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 11th January 2022 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : 

Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. S.Baird (SB), Cllr. W.Bowkett (WB)

Cllr. J. Hart (JH), Cllr. W.Hatchman (WH), Cllr. V. Parker-Hill (VPH).


Absent : None


Also Present :

Clerk C. Cleary (CC), 3 members of the public


Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the public meeting at 18.00 hrs.


1. Police

To receive reports from the Police Representative

PCSO Richardson sent her apologies as she was on annual leave.


2. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.


A member of the public submitted a letter requesting the use of the councils gazebos for the forthcoming Bike Festival in September.


Two members of the public introduced themselves as wishing to become councillors. Mayor DW explained the co-option process and invited them to join the Queens Platinum Jubilee organising sub-committee.


ACTION: Clerk to forward necessary paperwork to the potential candidates.


Question put to RBLI representative asking when street poppies were to be removed. RBLI will organise this in the coming days.


Mayor DW closed the public session and council went into full session at 18.10hrs.


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.



4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced.  In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter.  In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.

Cllr VPH – Item 11a.


5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7th December, 2021

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.


Draft minutes of the meeting held on 7th December had already been circulated to councillors.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 7th December 2021. 


6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising. 


Matters arising from previous meetings

Still awaiting quote from TRJ re Buttercross 

Safeguarding policy – still awaiting response from LALC re : definition of a vulnerable person

Market trader policy – pending

Ian Naylor invoice – pending

Buttercross refurb. Skillingtons have advised that they are confident they can get the work done by 31st March

Litter bin on passageway between Market Place & St Johns St. has been removed by ELDC

Two places booked on Emergency planning course in Lincoln on 2nd February.

Objection submitted to ELDC re planning application for Barkham Arms

Quotation from Moleman requested – reply received – see item 9.

Neighbouring councils contacted and advised of meeting on 18th Jan at 1800.

Light at no.1 The Walk is property of ELDC and they are aware of the problem

Councillors gmail accounts - pending

Bus Shelter graffiti removal – pending

Dog poop bag stations – pending

Interactive notice boards – pending


Clerk issues

Clerk incurred 3 hrs overtime in 4 week period to 31st December.


7. Councillors Action list report

To receive a report from Cllr. D.Kettleborough on the councillor action list.

Councillors were given a list of pending items and the councillor responsible for following up.

Due to the difficulties in obtaining quotes to repair the market place pot holes, it was proposed that council effect the repairs themselves.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow Cllr. DK to purchase materials up to £100 and organise a repair team.

Discussion on paths in Northolme cemetery. As the purchase of planings had already been agreed at a prior meeting, it was confirmed that Cllr. WH should proceed with obtaining the materials.

Discussion on bus shelter storage – Cllr. VPH to arrange relocation of tap.

Discussion on local contractors. ACTION : Clerk to advertise locally for any tradesmen who would like to added to an approved contractors list.

Discussion on Wainfleet signs – Cllr WH will effect repairs to brickwork when weather permits.


8. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

The following report was received from Cllr. WB

Wishing you all a happy new year and hoping that 2022 will be a better year for all of us.

We had last week 84 cases of covid across the 3 health settings across Lincolnshire, with no one in intensive care over the weekend. These are 25% no vaccines and the rest a mixture of 1st/2nd and booster patients who mainly require oxygen. 

The spread of the omicron virus is still high amongst all ages and I urge you all to be careful for the coming few weeks.


Lincolnshire county council are asking you support a campaign to government which is called fix our funds to fix our roads, and return the 12 million they took away last year from our highways fund. We put the 12 million back in from LCC money last year but can’t do that year on year.

The 12 million equates to 24,000 pot holes filled, 37 miles of crumbling road rebuilt and 6 miles of failing footpath repaired.

We ask you to go to www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding and join our fight for better roads.


The dredger is going back into the relief channel hopefully on the 14th January recommencing dredging on the 18th or 19th for approximately 4 weeks.


9. Finance

To receive financial reports and updates. 

The December bank reconciliation and financial report had previously been circulated to councillors. Discussion on financial report.


PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to approve the December financial report.


To approve payments and receipts. 


Discussion on payments to be made. 

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve all payments and receipts for December.


For transparency, payments made in December in excess of £100 were :

Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
British Gas Office Electric £105.21 £5.26 £110.47
Staff costs Staff costs November £650.24 £0.00 £650.24
Creative Play Repair of play equipment £95.00 £19.00 £114.00
Peter Strawson Ltd Xmas Tree £460.00 £92.00 £552.00
RDR Timber Timber for play area £152.50 £30.50 £183.00
David Ward Market Stall erection £330.00 £0.00 £330.00
Malc Firth Landscapes Grass cutting October £379.00 £75.80 £454.80
Smith of Derby Clock service £228.00 £45.60 £273.60
Staff Costs Salary costs December £691.20 £0.00 £691.20
J.Bainbridge Rental of storage £390.00 £0.00 £390.00
P&K Lewis Office Rent £400.00 £0.00 £400.00

Discussion on quotation received for control of moles in Northolme, All Saints Churchyard and the play area.

Quotation had increased from £900 to £1000 per annum, but this includes the additional area of All Saints Churchyard.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the quotation.


To approve budget and precept for 2022/23

The finance sub-committee had prepared a draft budget which was circulated to all councillors. Discussion on budget figures. The Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration suggested funding up to £2000 to be included within the budget. Discussion on current reserves. The finance sub-committee was proposing to council that the precept per household be maintained at the current level.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to earmark up to £2000 from reserves to cover costs for the Queens Platinum Jubilee event.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the budget as recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to request a precept of £35958 for the financial year 2022/23 and authorise the RFO to submit the precept application.


10. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

Following applications have been received/circulated :

S/194/02143/21 Royal Oak – change of use No comments from council

S/194/02171/21 Willow Farm – approved

S/194/02419/21 Newbridge Farm -garage (retrospective) No comments from council


In addition to the above application, the clerk gave council an update on the following applications: 

S/194/02470/21  Barkham Arms application

S/194/01320/21 Land off Matt Pitts Lane development


11. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups.

a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards.

The following had taken place in Northolme

Memorial plot 210 – GOR

Reservation plot 1022

Internment plot 261

Clerk advised that although most funeral directors and stone masons were prompt in paying their accounts, one in particular has a history of very late payments, months after the burial.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED for the clerk to write to the funeral directors insisting on payment within 14 days. 

Discussion on recent muslim burial. Family will be looking to put some memorial on the grave and have been advised of current regulations.

Discussion on plots purchased in perpetuity and possible return of 2 plots. Cllr. VPH has met with family and they have agreed to return two of the reserved plots to the council. ACTION: Cllr. VPH to contact family and obtain written confirmation of the return of the plots.


Discussion on closed churchyards. Clerk has investigated the issue and confirms that closed churchyards become the responsibility of the local parish/town council or if they cannot, the responsibility defaults to district council.


b. Allotments. 

No issues


c. Market Place 

The outdoor market will resume on 4th February and traders have been advised. In the meanwhile, some stalls are operating from the Methodist Hall.

Maintenance of the car park had been discussed under item 7.


d. Play Area and Playing Field.

The clerk gave a summary of funds received towards the development of the play area. To date, the following has been received : Platform Housing £7000, Lincs. Community Fund £5436.77, Rotary Club of Skegness £3176.40 and WASTC £12,900 (Total £28513.17). Further donations are being sought as the full project cost is approx £44,000. Discussion on funding and progression of project. Agreed in principal to proceed with the Komplan proposal once total funding has been received. The final resolution will be put to a council meeting as soon as the funding has been received.


Discussion on playing field maintenance. Agreed that as the Japanese Knotweed was present before council acquired the lease, then LAAT should be asked to contribute to the maintenance.

ACTION: Clerk to write to LAAT asking them to contribute to the maintenance of the playing field.


Cllr. WB left meeting at 1915


12. Marketing and Promotions

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for marketing and promotion

Marketing & promotion issues were discussed under items 13 and 14.


13. Christmas 2022

To discuss and review Christmas 2021 and agree actions for planning Christmas 2022

Discussion on current Xmas lights. Some in need of repair. Lights to be taken down, PAT tested and stored in office.

Discussion on sponsorship of Xmas lights. ACTION: Cllr VPH to contact local businesses to see if they would be willing to sponsor a light.

Discussion on formation of a Xmas sub-committee of councillors, non-councillors and an electrician to take responsibility for the organisation of the Xmas lighting. Cllr. DK will take responsibility for organising the members of the sub-committee and arranging the first meeting.

Proposed,seconded and RESOLVED to form a Xmas sub-committee to organise 2022 Xmas activities.

ACTION: Meeting provisionally booked for Wednesday 26th January at time to be agreed,

Discussion on Festive Fabuloso. Generally well received and would welcome back.


14. Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration

To receive a report from the sub-committee regarding planned events for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Report given by Cllr. WH of the meeting of the sub-committee. Various ideas have been put forward to arrange festivities in the Market Place on Sunday 5th June. These will be further explored at a meeting between representatives of our neighbouring councils. ACTION: Meeting to be held with neighbouring councils on 18th January to discuss mutual cooperation and planning for the event.


15. Litter

To discuss the situation with litter bins around the Town and the persistent littering outside the Woolpack

Discussion on problem of discarded cigarette butts outside Woolpack.

ACTION: Clerk to write to landlord of Woolpack with copy to Batemans Brewery.

Discussion on dog fouling.

ACTION : Clerk to contact dog warden and obtain additional signage.

Discussion on litter bins in the town.ACTION: Clerk to try and locate a map of where the litter bins currently are.


16. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received


Telephone call complaint re : damage to verge between bridge and brewery ACTION : DK/WH to investigate, take photographs for follow up by clerk.

Letter from LIVES requesting donation  - Discussion on S137 donation. Proposed, Seconded and RESOLVED to donate £200 to LIVES.

Steeping River Community Update received

Neighbourhood policing team update received

Request from Jayne to hold surgery on Jan 18th in our offices. Agreed.

Enquiry from relative of plot 244 asking if grave marker had been moved. Clerk investigating.


17. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda,

Co-option of new councillors

Xmas 2022

Queens Jubilee


Next meeting 1st Feb : 


Mayor DW thanked everyone for their contribution and declared the meeting closed at 20.00 hrs.



I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 11th January, 2022.




Signature: Mayor: Cllr Wickes

Date: 1st February, 2022



Initial :         Date : 1st February, 2022