March 2022

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting

Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 1st March 2022 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : 

Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. S.Baird (SB), Cllr. C.Harbon (CH), Cllr. B.Harbon (BH)

Cllr. J. Hart (JH), Cllr. W.Hatchman (WH), Cllr. V. Parker-Hill (VPH).


Absent : None


Also Present :

Clerk C. Cleary (CC), 1 member of the public


Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the public meeting at 18.00 hrs.


1. Police

To receive reports from the Police Representative

PCSO J.Richardson sent her apologies. She did advise that she had done a patrol of the town with the dog warden and they had posted more notices and did some sign spraying on the pavements.


2. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

A member of the public raised an issue of illegal parking in the town, particularly in the area around the post office and Chinese takeaway. They were advised that this is a police matter and that they should attend the next police surgery on the 10th March.


Cllrs Ch and BH arrived at 1805


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.



4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced.  In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter.  In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.

Cllr. VPH – Item 11a


5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 1st February, 2022.

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.

Draft minutes of the meeting held on 1st February had already been circulated to councillors.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 1st February.


6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.


Matters arising from last meeting

Frank Wood Funeral Directors – account settled

Return of unused plots – awaiting family return

Buttercross uplighters still waiting on quote from TRJ -ACTION : Clerk to contact alternative electrician.

Reply received from Batemans brewery re littering.

Quotation from 2 mole contractors obtained – see item 11a

Cllr. WB reported that there had been no further issues of littering outside of The Angel public house

WB was to organise FB campaign re dog fouling?

Market trader policy – circulated prior to the meeting - see item 11 c.

Farming allotment rents – issued

Garden allotment rents – all paid.

ELDC repaid £4425 from Welcome Back Fund

Alternative deposit accounts – options appear limited. Most seem to be on line. Investigation continuing.

Allotment holders meeting organised.

Letter sent to neighbour of All Saints re hedge. Telephone call received – proposed that each party takes care of their own side. Discussion on letter received. PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to agree with neighbour that both parties would tend to their own side of the hedge. Action: Clerk to write and confirm decision to neighbour.

Ian Naylor invoice – pending

Councillors gmail accounts - pending

Dog poop bag stations – ordered by ELDC directly

Interactive notice boards – pending

Advertisement for local traders - pending

GFS Wainfleet – Clerk contacted Head Office said that council would contact local representative. Cllr. VPH reported on the visit to the local representative of GFS to discuss their requirements. The local representative did not agree with the request from their head office and advised that they had received alternative funding, but would appreciate if council could fund an outing for the children later in the year. Cllr. WB advised that she had made an offer to GFS from her district fund. GFS will be in touch in due course to give further details of their plans.

Clerk issues

Japanese Knotweed contractor visited on 9th Feb

Clerk attended emergency planning course with Cllr. BH

Clerk had on line meeting with ELDC re: littering

Clerk incurred 8.5hrs overtime in 4 week period to 25th February.


7. Councillors Action list report

To receive a report from Cllr. D.Kettleborough on the councillor action list.

Councillors were given a list of pending items and the councillor responsible for following up.

Discussion on fallen tree in Northolme cemetery.  Quotes had been received from different contractors to remove the fallen tree.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the quotation from DW Landscapes to remove the tree. ACTION: Cllr. DK will contact the contractor and arrange for the work to be scheduled.


8. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

The following report was received from County and District Councillor Wendy Bowkett.


County council have had to put a revised budget proposal for 2022/23, despite an increase in government funding the council face a £22 million shortfall over the following three financial years.

We understand this is also a difficult time for many families, with rising energy bills, but we must maintain our frontline services which residents rely on.

We estimate our adult care will increase by around £13.5 million in 22/23, therefore we are still proposing a 3% increase in adult care. Meanwhile it is looking unlikely government are going to reverse last year's cut in highways funding which is leaving a £12 million shortfall.

We know that roads are a priority to residents, so we have little choice but to step in and plug the gap, as a result we are now proposing a further 2% increase in general council tax to make up the shortfall. If you want more details on this please go to


Lincolnshire county council has been chosen for a government pilot project aimed at ensuring school meals meet national guidance supporting pupils health and well-being. This pilot will work with our local food authority food safety inspectors to check schools are meeting the standards required.

The government also plan to launch a curriculum and training to ensure all children leave school with practical ability to cook 6 basics meals.


The collection museum - Space to Earth.

Explore our planet like never before with the new exhibition coming to Lincoln's collection museum from Saturday 5th March. For this exhibition, the collection is asking visitors to pay what you decide, to enable as many people as possible to experience this phenomenal artwork. Plan your visit to the collection at

Or find The Collection and Usher Gallery on Facebook, twitter and instagram, Get ready to see the world at The Collection Museum.


The desilting has nearly finished on the steeping, they are just completing the final section to the b1195. 

ELDC are proposing a 3.26% increase in council tax, which is a £4.95 increase on last year, so for a band d property including parish precepts the cost will be £226.70 per year.

How the council tax is split is as follows, 

ELDC £156.69

LCC   £1432.17

Police and crime £276.30

Town and parish's £70.01

A total of £1935.17 which in total is a £85.49 increase per year.


Please if you have any issues please get in touch.


Cllr. DW questioned if the school meal project applied to all schools in the county. Cllr WB confirmed this.


Cllr. WB circulated a report on a visit where she and Cllr. SB accompanied representatives of ELDC Historic Environment. ELDC had sent a current map of the Wainfleet conservation area. In the meeting Cllrs. WB and SB expressed concern at the apparent lack of consistency of ELDC in enforcing the local conservation rules, specifically the case of 54 High Street. ELDC suggested that the affected property should appeal the ruling. ELDC expressed concern over structural condition of museum and will ask Heritage England to get involved. ELDC will pursue property owners who do not fulfil the obligations of having a building in a Heritage conservation area. Various properties have already had orders placed upon them by ELDC.

Discussion on report. ACTION: Clerk to publish details of Wainfleet conservation area on council website.


Cllr. CH gave a brief report on the event management training seminar organised by Magna Vitae that she attended. Her written report will follow and be circulated to councillors.


9. Finance

To receive financial reports and updates. 

The February bank reconciliation and financial report had previously been circulated to councillors. Discussion on financial report.


PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to approve the Ferbuary financial report.


To approve payments and receipts. 


Discussion on payments to be made. 

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve all payments and receipts for February.


For transparency, payments made in February in excess of £100 were :

Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
Local Pest Control Man Q4 Mole Contract £225.00 £0.00 £225.00
Staff costs Staff costs £714.66 £0.00 £714.66
British Gas Office electricity £300.08 £18.18 £318.26
P&K Lewis Office Rent £400.00 £0.00 £400.00


10. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

No new applications received.

Discussion of road closure on Wainfleet Bank.


11. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups.

a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards. – To include selection of new mole control contractor, and reports on fallen branch/tree in Northolme cemetery.

The following had taken place in Northolme cemetery in February:

Internments plots 303,1200, 727. 188, 1202

Reservation plot 1201

Memorials plots 329,760

Transfer of Deeds of Grant for plots N172-175


Following the takeover of the councils contractor for mole control, new quotations had been obtained to provide the service in Northolme cemetery, All Saints Churchyard and Magdalen Road playing fields. Discussion on quotations.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Health Guard UK for an initial 12 month contract. ACTION : Clerk to contact contractor and arrange for immediate implementation of the contract.


The issue of the fallen tree in Northolme had been discussed under item 7.

No issues on closed churchyards.


b. Allotments.

All invoices for garden allotments have been paid.

Farming allotment invoices have been issued and are due for payment before end of March.

A meeting was held with the allotment holders with Cllrs. DW,JH and WH in attendance. Meeting was very positive and a good turnout. Plot 12 still requires some attention and to be advised that dogs are required to be kept under control. Plot 10 also requires some attention.

ACTION: Clerk to write to plot holders and advise of the requirements.


c. Market Place  - To include review of market traders agreement, auction agreement, outside contractor agreement and  Buttercross refurbishment.

The following documents had been circulated prior to the meeting for review :

* Market regulations. Discussion on draft regulations. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to agree the market regulations and review after 6 months. ACTION: Clerk to forward regulations to all participants at the market.

* Contractor conditions. Discussion on draft conditions to be applied to market place contractor for gazebo installation and dismantling. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to implement the new conditions with effect from 1st April. ACTION: Cllrs. WB/DW to meet with contractor to explain details of conditions.

* Naylor Auctions lease agreement. Discussion on draft agreement. PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to agree the content of the terms and conditions of lease and to present the document to Naylor Auctions. ACTION: Clerk to issue lease to Naylor auctions and also issue invoices for current lease period. 


Following complaint by a resident of Market Place, there was a discussion on condition of bus shelter roof and gulley and also the drain outside post office. Cllr. WB advised that District council will be dealing with the drain within the next few days. Council will deal with the bus shelter roof and gulley at the same time as they are dealing with the graffiti.


d. Play Area and Playing Field. – To include review of play area inspection and development of new play area.

Acceptance of quote has been sent for new play equipment. Another possible donor has been received. Any donations received towards the play area will be deducted from the contribution to be made by the council.

The annual play area external inspection report had been received and circulated to councillors. Discussion on report. Agreed that P&A group would review the document and revert with their comments/suggestions.

The annual Japanese Knotweed inspection and treatment had been completed.

The new signs for the play area have been installed. Cllr. WH suggested that signs should be on both sides of the posts installed. ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotation for 2 further signs for review at next meeting.

Discussion on muddy area at side entrance to play area. Suggested to use planings to keep area tidy. ACTION: P&A group to review path and take necessary action. 


12. Marketing and Promotions

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for the following marketing and promotion events

a. Christmas 2022

Cllr. WB gave report from meeting held on 10th February. Discussion on Xmas lights to be purchased. ACTION: Cllr. WB to send alternatives to councillors for approval after measurements are re-checked.

All lights checked and PAT testing done. Approximately 450 metres of Christmas lights were beyond repair and disposed of. Electrician to supply quotation for new light strings.

A local resident of a flat above a retail premises has advised that their electric bill was higher than expected and questioned whether the Christmas lights were the cause of the higher bill. Discussion on issue. Cllr. WB confirmed that connection for Christmas lights is through the retail premises, not the residential side. ACTION: Clerk to await contact from resident and take copies of bills for further investigation. 


b. Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration

Cllr WH gave report from the recent meeting and will circulate minutes when they are available. All is in hand and progressing well. Cllr WH presented a sample of pin badges for the celebration. Sub-group intends to use part of the assigned budget to purchase the badges.

Wainfleet St. Marys PC are to meet on 14th March to define their contribution to the celebrations.

Discussion on bunting and flags required. Cllr WH reminded that in order to take advantage of the Welcome Back Fund, the invoice must be submitted to ELDC before 31st March.

Next sub-group meeting to be on 23rd March.


13. Litter pick

To discuss and organise a town litter pick.

Discussion on next town litter pick. Agreed to organise a litter pick for Saturday 2nd April at 10.00 am and to link this in with the Keep Britain Today Spring campaign. ACTION: Clerk to complete the Keep Britain Tidy survey.


14. Emergency planning

To receive a report on the course attended by the clerk and Cllr. B.Harbon and decide on actions to be taken.

Cllr BH gave a report on the course attended by the clerk and himself. Discussion on emergency planning. Agreed to organise a separate sub-group to review the documentation, organise members and initiate the plan. Agreed that the sub-group would consist of Cllrs. BH, WB, DW, SB and VPH. ACTION : Sub-group to meet on Tuesday 19th April at 5pm in the council offices.


15. Review of sub-committee groups

To review current sub-committees, frequency of meetings and membership.

 Discussion on current sub-committees and working groups.


Current sub-groups are :

Finance and General Purposes  : DW, WB, SB. DK, CC

Properties and Amenities : DW, DK, WH, JH, VPH.

Marketing and Promotions : DW, WB, DK, JH, CH, 

Burials Grounds : CC, VPH, JH


Discussion on adding Cllrs CH and BH to the sub-groups. Cllr. CH to join M&P sub-committee and Cllr. BH to join P&A sub-committee.

All working groups to be reviewed at annual meeting and encourage members of the public to join the sub-groups.


16. Annual Parish Meeting

To discuss preparations for the next Annual Parish Meeting.

Discussion on Annual Parish Meeting. 

Agreed that next Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 17th May at 6.30pm in the council offices.


17. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received

WH reported complaint about bus shelter roof cleanliness. See item 11c

Complaint re street lamp outside 9 St. John Street – Clerk had sent a reply. 

Suggestion from market trader to advertise market on A52. ACTION : Clerk to obtain quote for 2 banners to be presented at next meeting.

E-mail from ELDC regarding digital connectivity – Cllr. WB is arranging meeting with LCC and neighbouring councils on 28th March at WSM village hall.

E-mail from Rosanna McGlone – community writing engagement.




18. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda.


Working group meetings agreed as follows:

M&P to meet 22nd march 5.30 pm

P&A to meet 15th March at play area 4pm


All other items for agenda to be submitted to clerk at least 1 week before next meeting.

Date of next meeting : Tuesday 5th April at 6.00 pm in the council offices



Cllr. DW thanked all for their contribution and closed the meeting at 20:30 hrs.