April 2024
Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes from the council meeting held at 18:00 on 10th April, 2024 in the town council offices.
Councillors present : Mayor Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. C.Mitchell, Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. Sam Story-Taylor (SST), Cllr. W.Lagdon (WL).
Apologies : Cllr. J.Hart (JH),
Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 1 member of the public.
Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00hrs.
1. Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.
Question regarding knitted poppies. Mayor SM said these would be used to decorate the clock tower for Remembrance Sunday. Mayor SM closed the public session at 18.05.
2. Mayors Report
The Mayor will give a brief report to the public and councillors detailing his activities.
Mayor SM gave a brief report on his activities during the past month.
OAP Hall fund trustees have been asked to consider funding the repairs to the benches.
Marshalls required for Firemans Fun Run on 12th May.
The council now has a Bookers card.
Various events were attended during the month.
Mayor SM thanked Cllr. DK for taking on the role of the P&A subgroup chair and Cllr. WL for preparing the D-Day flyers.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Cllr. JH sent her apologies as she was away on holiday. Accepted by council.
4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
None declared.
5. Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 6th March 2024.
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at this meeting.
Draft notes from the meeting held on 6th March had been circulated.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 6th March 2024.
6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Completed issues
* AGAR (draft) prepared for approval
* Year end accounts completed ready for auditor
* Letters sent to first batch of graves in breach of regulation (see burials)
* Coronation Hall Deeds transfer completed
* All Saints advised re: memorials
Issues still pending
* All Saints Church memorials see Burials.
* Graves in breach of regulations see burials.
7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
Cllr. WB advised that she was experiencing difficulties getting quotations for the playing field mural. WL suggested recording the progress of the work to demonstrate the improvement.
School looking at putting in a pond and would like support from Council. All agreed.
WB to meet with ELDC to promote the Wainfleet Heritage Walk.
Ju Jitsu club will be relocating to Skegness.
WB and SM met with local police to look at CCTV cameras in the Marketplace.
8. Finance
a. To receive financial reports and updates.
The March bank reconciliation and monthly financial report had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on reports.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the March Financial reports.
Clerk CC presented a report on the councils year end current account balance and the current reserves held. Discussion on reserves. Reserves to be transferred to the reserve account as follows:
PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to transfer the remainder of funds at financial year end to the reserve account after the S137 payments had been made.
b. To approve payments and receipts.
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for March.
For transparency, the following payments in excess of £100 were made in March.
Payee | Detail | Amount | VAT | Total |
Healthguard Ltd | Mole treatment Q4 | £267.50 | £53.50 | £321.00 |
British Gas | Office electricity February | £238.61 | £11.93 | £250.54 |
P&K Lewis | Office rental | £400.00 | £0.00 | £400.00 |
Staff Costs | Staff Costs | £703.20 | £0.00 | £703.20 |
c. To approve the Annual Financial Statement 2023/24
Clerk CC presented the Annual Financial Statement for the year ending 31st March 2024.
PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the Financial Statement for the year ending 31st March 2024. Mayor SM and RFO CC signed the Financial Statement.
d. To approve the Asset Register for the year ending 31st March 2024
Clerk CC presented details of the councils asset register updated to the year ending 31st March 2024.
PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the Asset Register for the year ending 31st March 2024. Mayor SM signed the Financial Statement.
e. To appoint NMS Accounting services as internal auditor for the financial year ending 31st March 2024
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to appoint NMS Accounting Service as the councils internal auditor.
f. To receive and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
Clerk CC presented the Annual Governance Statement for 2023.24 which was discussed and reviewed by councillors.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24.
Mayor SM and Clerk CC signed the Annual Governance Statement.
g. To approve the Accounting Statement for 2023/24
Clerk CC presented the Accounting Statement for 2023/24 which was discussed and reviewed by councillors.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statement for 2023/24.
Mayor SM and Clerk CC signed the Accounting Statement.
h, To receive an update on the purchase of the new office building
Clerk CC gave an update on the purchase of the new office. Both landlord and vendors solicitors are causing unnecessary delays, and at his moment it is impossible to be certain of a completion date. Discussion on alternatives. Clerk to contact all parties and advise that whilst the offer remains in place, they would be exploring other options.
i. To review S137 applications
An application for S137 grant had been received from the Wainfleet Fire Service for support of their May Fun Run. Application discussed. PROPROSED, SECONDED and RERSOLVED to approve the application. Clerk to arrange payment.
9. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.
Grimsby to Walpole Pylons. Initial consultation completed, non-intrusive land surveys to be done with or without the landowners consent.
Outer Dowsing have now submitted their Development Consent Order to the Planning Inspectorate. Decision on whether to accept the application for examination to be made by 16th April.
S/194/00313/24 Resurfacing of Marketplace. Unable to comment as this is our own application,
10. Reports from subgroup meetings
To discuss findings and agree actions and associated expenditure as a result of recommendations from the following subgroups :
a. Properties & Amenities
Cllr DK gave a report from the last P & A subgroup meeting. Key points for follow up : Wainfleet sign near Northolme requires attention. Request from British Legion for flagpole in Marketplace. This had been reviewed by council in 2021 and decided against. Discussion on flagpole. ACTION: DK to investigate further -Clerk to forward details from previous quotes.
Next meeting 25th April at 5,30pm Northolme Cemtery.
b. Marketing & Promotions
Cllr. WB gave a report from the M & P subgroup. Good Friday Market was not well attended. Further market dates are 23rd August, 25th October and 23rd November.
Discussion on plants, hanging baskets for Marketplace. ACTION: Cllrs. DK & JH to source locally.
Discussion on D-Day celebration. All in hand,catering to be amended to include chips SM to approach The Angel Inn to provide. WSM organising banners. SM to purchase tea lights and memorabilia.
c. Burials
Burial plot 863
EROB plot 863 & 864
Letters sent out to 18 plot holders re: breach of regulations. This has raised some issues with plotholders unhappy at the content. To be further reviewed.
Email sent to All Saints advising that we would be doing the memorial work, reply received from diocese. Discussion on reply. To be further reviewed.
11. Marketplace Auction and markets
To discuss the continuation of the weekly auction and periodic markets for 2024/25.
Carl Drury had sent an email advising that he would be willing to continue to supply goods to any potential new auctioneer. No interest had been forthcoming as yet.
Dates for future markets as detailed in item 10b.
12. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received.
* Invitation to ELDC end of civic year function. Circulated to councillors. No applicants to attend.
* Update from National Grid Re: Pylons (see planning). See item 9.
* Update from Outer Dowsing (see planning). See item 9.
* Grass cutting agreement received from LCC. Noted.
* RBLI D-Day wreaths available at 27 1 ordered.
* Renewal offer for office electric contract received. To be renewed in due course.
* East Lincs Sports Facilities survey received and completed.
* Letter from C.Drury re: auction. See item 11.
13. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meetings agenda.
1st May next meeting which shall be the Annual Town Council Meeting..
Mayor SM thanked all for the attendance and contribution. Meeting closed at 8.20 pm.