January 2024
Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes from the council meeting held at 18:00 on 3rd January, 2024 in the town council offices.
Councillors present : Mayor Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. P.Jones (PJ), Cllr. C.Mitchell, Cllr. Sam Story-Taylor (SST)
Apologies : None
Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 4 members of the public.
Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00hrs.
1. Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.
No comments or questions from the public.
Mayor SM closed the public session at 18:02.
2. Mayors Report
The Mayor will give a brief report to the public and councillors detailing his activities.
Mayor SM reported that in December the judging for the best decorated Christmas windows was completed with 9 households and businesses awarded certificates and small prizes. He will be officiating at the opening of a new shop selling crystals and other gift items in Wainfleet in January, A date will be sorted to organise a thank you drinks meeting with those who helped with the Christmas light switch on, and those who provided power sources for the lights.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
Cllr. WB Item 11. Cllr. PJ Item 11d Allotments.
5. Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 6th December, 2023.
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at this meeting.
Draft notes from the meeting held on 6th December had been published and circulated to councillors.
No further questions or comments on draft notes.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting held on 6th December 2023.
6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Matters arising from last meeting
Completed issues
* Application to UKSPF submitted reply expected end of January
* Application to borrow submitted further explanations required and sent. See also item 8c.
* Planning issues reported
* New cemetery regulations issued
* Solicitor and surveyor appointed for new office purchase
* Letter sent to owner of plot 1196 re: stones on grave
Issues still pending
* Signing of Deed of transfer for Coronation Hall Solicitors clarifying signing of documents.
* All Saints Church memorials still awaiting 2nd quote.
* Division of allotment plot 12 to be advertised
* Graves in breach of regulations - to be completed
Clerk CC gave a progress report on the purchase of the new office. Tinn Criddle have been appointed as solicitors for the purchase of 62A High Street. Council Standing Orders require the nomination of 2 councillors to sign the documentation involved in the purchase.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to nominate Mayor SM and Cllr. CM to sign the required documentation for the purchase of the new office.
John Chapell has been appointed surveyor and will perform the survey on Saturday 6th January.
The initial application to DLUHC has been assessed and the issues raised by them have been answered. What remains Is the resolution to borrow to be stated in the form they require (see item 8c).
Clerk CC advised that no overtime had been incurred in December and that he would be on annual leave from 10th January returning on Monday 29th January.
7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
50 properties affected in latest flooding. All Lincolnshire affected. Steeping levels now dropping.
2 Properties in Wainfleet have been affected. High incidence of road traffic accidents in the county.
Mayor SM advised that in cooperation with Wainfleet St Mary, a meeting will be held with the local police to investigate anti-social behaviour in the area.
8. Finance
a. To receive financial reports and updates.
The December bank reconciliation and monthly financial report had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on reports.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the December Financial reports.
b. To approve payments and receipts.
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for December.
For transparency, the following payments in excess of 100 were made in December.
Payee | Detail | Amount | VAT | Total |
Staff costs to 1st December | Staff costs | £1089.10 | £0.00 | £1089.10 |
British Gas | Office electricity December | £194.92 | £9.75 | £204.67 |
D.Ward | Market stalls at Xmas market | £160.00 | £0.00 | £160.00 |
D.Kettleborough | Mileage incurred to source Xmas tree | £105,30 | £0.00 | £105,30 |
P&K Lewis | Office rental | £ 400.00 | £0.00 | £ 400.00 |
Staff Costs to 29th December | Staff costs | £703.20 | £0.00 | £703.20 |
c. To redraft and resubmit the resolution to seek to approval to borrow from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Clerk CC advised that the DLUHC had requested that the wording for the borrowing request application, approved at the 6th December 2023 meeting be worded to meet their requirements, and to reflect the agreed purchase price and estimated costs as follows:
At the Wainfleet All Saints Town Council meeting of 3rd January, 2024 it was RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to apply for a PWLB loan of £52,500 over the borrowing term of 25 years for the purchase of 62A High Street, Wainfleet All Saints, Skegness, PE24 4DA to be used as council offices. The annual loan repayments will come to around £4656.76 per annum.
It is not intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayment.
Cllr. WB abstained.
Clerk CC advised that once the approval to borrow is received, council would then be required to complete the loan application form to the PWLB.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to complete the and submit the loan application form for a loan of £52,500 to the PWLB, subject to approval from the DLUHC and satisfactory reports from the surveyor and solicitor.
Cllr. WB abstained.
d. To receive and approve the budget and precept for 2024/25
The finance sub-group had reviewed and prepared the proposed budget and precept for 2024/25, which had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on budget income and expenditure.
PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to agree the budget figures and set the precept for 2024/25 at £41433 unchanged from 2023/24.
ACTION: Clerk to complete the precept form for submission to ELDC.
Discussion on Allotment rental charges for 2024/25.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to maintain the farming allotment charges at current levels and to increase the garden allotment rents to 40.
Action : P&A group will set date for meeting with allotment holders.
e. To extend the grass cutting contracts with our present contractor.
Discussion had been held with the current contractor who had agreed to maintain the same rates for the 2024/25 season.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to keep P. Whiley as the grass cutting contractor for the 2024/25 season.
9. Planning
To receive and discuss applications.
Outer Dowsing Further pre-application consultation documents submitted. Next meeting 2nd Feb in Coronation Hall at 19:00.
10. Reports from subgroup meetings
To discuss findings and agree actions and associated expenditure as a result of recommendations from the following subgroups :
a. Properties & Amenities
Marketplace weeding needs looking at.
Play area gate still to be repaired.
Due to excessive use, some dog poop bag stations are not being refilled. Stations will be moved around the town.
If misuse continues council will review.
War Memorial continues to suffer degradation. Will need to lock gates and advise possibility of falling debris.
b. Marketing & Promotions
No meeting has been held. D Day celebrations to be co-ordinated with Wainfleet St Mary.
c. Burials
Clerk CC advised that the new application forms, revised charges and regulations for burials and memorials in Northolme had been sent to local funeral directors and memorial masons.
11. To receive requests to use the Marketplace for public events
To review requests received from Wainfleet Weekend and Wainfleet Bike Meet to use the Marketplace.
An application to use the Magdalen Road playing fields for the Wainfleet Weekend celebration to be held on 19th -21st July had been received. An application to use the Marketplace for the Wainfleet Bike Event to be held on 31st August had been received.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow both events to be held.
12. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received
* E-mail from ELDC explaining financing of Drainage Boards
* Letter from Ian Naylor Auctions advising of his retirement at end of March
* Precept letter received from ELDC
* December newsletter from ELDC
* Various emails from solicitor handling new office purchase
13. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting s agenda,
Poppy wreaths display.
Date of next meeting : Wednesday 7th February, 2024.
Mayor SM thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 19:00hrs.
Signed copy in council minute book.