December 2024
Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes from the Town Council Meeting held on 4th December 2024 at 6.00pm in the Methodist Chapel.
Councillors present: Cllr. Steve Mitchell (SM), Cllr. Christine Mitchell (CM), Cllr. Jean Hart (JH), Cllr. Wayne Lagden (WL), Cllr. W. Hatchman (WH), Cllr. C. Drury (CD), Cllr. M. Clarke (MC), Cllr S. Drury (SD),.Cllr. S.Fraser (SF), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK).
Apologies : Cllr. Wendy Bowkett (WB), Cllr. Samuel Storey-Taylor (SST).
Also present : Clerk C. Cleary (CC) and 8 members of the public.
1. Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations. This session will be of maximum 15 minutes duration.
Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 6pm by inviting councillors comments or questions to Stoneset, the company who resurfaced the Marketplace. Cllr. SF questioned if Stoneset could guarantee that the surface would continue to lighten. Stoneset advised that this would take some years to fully lighten. Cllr. CD questioned if the size of aggregate used would affect the lightening process. Stoneset confirmed that they had sent photographs of the same materials used at another site which had lightened in colour. Cllr. JH commented that the finish around the cobbles was poor and needed attention. Stoneset confirmed that they would make good the finish. Mayor SM commented that given the option of hydro-blasting the surface was impractical then council would need to review the surface annually.
Mayor SM thanked Stoneset representatives for their attendance and advised that the matter would be formally addressed by council under agenda item 7c.
Mayor SM then invited questions and observations from those members of the public present.
Question from a parishioner regarding a potential clash of dates in the Marketplace between the Wainfleet Bike Meeting and the market. Mayor SM assured the parishioner that events would be scheduled to avoid any potential clashes.
Question from a parishioner concerning the fundraising for a website for the Magdalen Museum Community Hub. An email had already been received and circulated to councillors. Council offered their full support in this promotion and suggested that they also contacted other Wainfleet related social media sites to publicise their appeal.
Mayor SM closed the public session at 1820hrs and council went into full session.
2. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllrs. WB, SST.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the apologies from the absent councillors.
3. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
None declared.
4. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 6th November 2024
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.
Draft notes of the meeting had been circulated prior to this meeting. Discussion on notes.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to confirm the notes of the meeting held on 6th November as a true record of the decisions made.
5. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Matters arising from last meeting
Completed issues
* Letter sent to tenant of allotment plot 9
* Play area signage ordered
* Landlords approval obtained for noticeboard and signage
* Investigation work on memorial benches complete (see burials)
* Budget preparation ongoing
* ELDC contacted regarding CCTV
* Annual Clock service arranged
* Refunds made to most Xmas market traders
* Invoice raised to LCC for verge cutting
Issues still pending
* Wildflower area (agenda item 10)
* Extension of cremation plot area in Northolme (see burials)
* Marketplace resurfacing
* Advertising of farming allotment plot 3 (2 acres) scheduled for January
* CCTV working group to meet
* Review of Financial regulations
* Review of co-option policy
Clerk incurred no overtime in November.
6. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
Cllr WB had sent her report in advance to councillors as detailed :
A reminder that Mount Pleasant Wainfleet will have a closure from the 9th to the 11th December for resurfacing.
Burgh Road, Friskney has a culvert collapse which has closed the road repairs have started so hopefully it will be reopened as soon as possible.
Joe Taylor, Iain Hyde and myself Cllr. WB visited the LRF centre Lincoln for an evening of resilience training, an informative meeting and our community plan has now been transferred to a new version and is just awaiting sign off, the new version is simple and easy reading. There will be a live exercise in the new year.
LCC plan to plant 750,000 trees over the next 10 years, which accounts for 1 per every resident in Lincolnshire.
The river steeping de weeding and cleaning is under way.
52 million funding to help local drainage boards with urgent work has been released by government. Government have also announced that the EA are to work with drainage boards to work up bids for funding to get works done and alleviate flooding issues. The steering group are meeting in January to discuss our area.
Anti-social behaviour teams from the police and ELDC will be starting in January, with Wainfleet All Saints prioritised.
Cllr. WB also suggested that council should apply for 500 from the councillors community grant scheme to contribute toward the Christmas costs. Discussion on grant application. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to submit the application Clerk to prepare and submit.
7. Finance
a. To receive the November Financial reports and updates.
The November financial report and bank reconciliation had been sent to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on financial report.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the November Financial Report.
b. To approve payments and receipts
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the payments and receipts for November.
For transparency, the following payments in excess of £100 were made in November.
Payee | Detail | Amount | VAT | Total |
Healthguard Ltd | Mole treatment | £267.50 | £53.50 | £321.00 |
Viking Direct | Stationery | £147.33 | £29.47 | £176.80 |
Staff Costs | Staff Costs | £661.40 | £0.00 | £661.40 |
P. Whiley | Grass cutting October | £1987.50 | £0.00 | £1987.50 |
Peter Strawson Ltd | Christmas tree | £300.16 | £59.83 | £359.99 |
Kompan | Repairs to play area | £737.76 | £147.55 | £885.31 |
Lincs Locks | Repairs to clocktower door | £193.00 | £0.00 | £193.00 |
A. Hollingdale | Office insurance | £115.77 | £0.00 | £115.77 |
Onecom Ltd | Telephone/broadband (transfer to new office) | £161.74 | £32.35 | £194.09 |
Staff Costs | Staff Costs | £903.20 | £0.00 | £903.20 |
c. To review the resurfacing of the Marketplace funded by UKSPF
Discussion on the resurfacing of the Marketplace and comments/questions from the public session. Noted that the surface was already showing signs of lightening in colour.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to pay the invoice from Stoneset and review the weathering of the surface after 12 months and 24 months.
8. Planning
To receive and discuss new applications.
0124/24/TPA Keepers Cottage Crown reduction of lime trees. Council had no objections.
S/194/01691/24 -34 Brewster Lane replacing a bow window with a bay window. Council had no objections.
ACTION: Clerk to submit councils comments to ELDC planning.
9. Reports from working group meetings
To receive and discuss reports from working group meetings and approve associated expenditure.
Plot 9 has had letter and confirmed he would give up the plot. Clerk to confirm date of termination and to reiterate to the tenant that the plot must be returned in the same good condition when handed to them, Decision on rental of plot deferred until clarification received from current tenant.
Burials & Cemeteries
Internments : Plot 916
EROB : Plots 916 & 917
Cemetery working group to discuss the following:
Memorial benches Clerk had done preliminary investigations into how memorial benches were managed in other cemeteries. Clerk to draft policy document.
Extension of Garden of Rest Working group to contact gravedigger to obtain quote for extension.
Community Payback Working group to forward details to clerk to investigate further.
Marketing & Promotions
Cllr. WB had sent a report. Children s Christmas party - Angel Inn to be used for preparation. Volunteers required to decorate the hall prior to start and then tidy up afterwards. Any excess selection boxes to be donated to the fire station for their event. Woolpack has donated crisps. Entertainment and food all in order.
Christmas market cancelled due to bad weather. Four craft stalls rescheduled to attend the Magdalen Museum craft market.
Christmas light switch off will be on 5th Jan.
Cllr. WB to contact the bread and cheese stall and the cake stall to make regular weekly attendances at the Friday auction.
Energy van will be present on Friday.
Mayor SM updated council on the feature film which will have scenes in Barkham Street, the Methodist Chapel and need a location that could be used as tearoom with accommodation in the second floor. SM will be meeting with the owners of the former vets as a potential site.
Clock stopped and was restarted by the clockwinders. A Perspex screen that was originally in situ needs replacing. Approved that SM will arrange to replace. Annual service of clock is scheduled for this week.
Play area
New signage has been purchased SM to arrange installation. Play area inspection to be organised.
Reports of motorbikes going through Brooks Walk entrance. Discussion on gate. WL to research cost of bike restriction.
Discussion on proposed play equipment inspection for 2025. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the quotation.
10. Wildflower planting in closed cemeteries
To receive councillors views on the proposal to create a wildflower area at Wainfleet Bank cemetery.
Cllr WH had circulated his proposal at the last meeting for councillors to review. Discussion on proposal.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED by majority vote to proceed with the proposal.
11. Friends of Northolme
To receive councillors views on the proposal to create a new organisation, Friends of Northolme, to assist in the management of Northolme cemetery.
A meeting of the cemeteries working group had discussed this proposal in depth and currently it would be more appropriate to allow the working group to continue in its current form and for further volunteers to be sought to assist in the general tidiness of the cemetery. Cllr. MC gave a presentation on the community payback scheme. Agreed for Cllr. MC and Clerk CC to pursue this idea further.
12. Newsletter
To receive an update on the newsletter produced by Cllr. M. Clarke and discuss future editions.
Draft newsletter had been revised and circulated. Council thanked CLlr. MC for her hard work in preparing the newsletter and agreed that it should be published without further delay. Discussion on future newsletters. Agreed to produce a newsletter twice per year.
13. Geocaching
To receive an update from Mayor S. Mitchell on the proposal to provide geocaching in the town.
Mayor SM had met with the Chair of WSM PC who operate this project. Discussion on geocaching. WSM PC have agreed to administer the project and Cllr CM volunteered to work together with Cllr. MC to organise sites within Wainfleet All Saints.
14. CCTV
To receive a report from the working group assigned to look into the installation of CCTV in the town.
Cllr. CD gave a progress report. Prices are being sourced from a local supplier of equipment. Coverage for the play area is problematic due to the lack of power sources and options for power supply are being investigated. Clerk CC advised that he had been in contact with ELDC and was directed to South Lincs Partnership CCTV manager and Videcom supplier. The partnership monitor CCTV from various towns and parishes in the district (Alford, Horncastle, Mablethorpe) and their principal supplier is Videcom. Details of areas to be considered have been sent to Videcom.
15. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received
* Email from ELDC ref. Town and Parish Council survey - circulated to councillors
* Email from Network Rail ref. Wainfleet level crossing - circulated to councillors
* Email from playground inspection company - proposed inspection cost for 2025. See item 9.
* Precept letter received from ELDC - Precept to be submitted by 31st January 2025
* Email from Revenues section re rates for new office - still undergoing changes
* Email from REAP consultants re. Vital & Viable action plan. Reply sent offering meeting.
* Email from Magna Vitae requesting use of playing field for February half term (17-21 February 2025)
* Email from parishioner requesting clarification of conservation area- reply sent.
* Advice from parishioner re. play area gate - photo circulated to councillors. See item 9.
16. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meetings agenda,
Date of next meeting Wednesday 8th January 2025. Cllr. WL gave his apologies in advance of the meeting.
Minutes signed by Mayor S.Mitchell