February 2024

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting


Minutes from the council meeting held at 18:00 on 3rd January, 2024 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : Mayor Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. C.Mitchell.

Apologies :  Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. Sam Story-Taylor (SST)

Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 4 members of the public.


Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00hrs.


1. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

No comments or questions from the public.

Mayor SM closed the public session at 18:02.


2. Mayors Report

The Mayor will give a brief report to the public and councillors detailing his activities.

Mayor SM gave a short report on his activities during the past month. Mayor SM then went on to thank those councillors who had helped tidy the Marketplace and those who had taken down the office Xmas decorations.

Mayor SM proposed a vote of thanks to former Cllr. Paul Jones for his services to the council. ACTION: Clerk to send letter of thanks.


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from DK and SST. Approved by council.


4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.




5. Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 3rd January 2024.

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at this meeting.

Draft notes from the meeting held on 3rd January had been published and circulated to councillors.

No further questions or comments on draft notes.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting held on 3rd January 2024.


6. Councillor vacancies

To consider any applications to become a councillor.

Applications to become a councillor had been received from Mr. Wayne Lagden, Mr. Phil  Bryan and Mrs. Samantha Bryan, which had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on applications.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the applications and to co-opt them onto the council.

Mayor SM welcomed the new councillors to the council and invited them to join at the council table. Cllr WL and Cllr PB signed their acceptance of office in the presence of the Proper Officer, Clerk CC. Cllr. SB was unable to attend the meeting and her acceptance of office will be signed in due course.



7. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.


Completed issues

* Precept submitted

* Approval for borrowing for office received

* UKSPF bid approved

* Vacant allotment plot advertised

* Allotment invoices issued

* Burial plot 1196 acknowledged receipt of letter sent and tidy up commenced

* All documents for office purchase sent to solicitors

Issues still pending

* Signing of Deed of transfer for Coronation Hall   Solicitors preparing final documents

* All Saints Church memorials   still awaiting 2nd quote.

* Graves in breach of regulations - to be completed

* Thank you event for helpers at Xmas. Social event now planned for 1st March

* Meeting with Allotment holders. Now arranged for 20th February.

* Play area gate. Repairs effected again.

The Clerk gave a progress report on the acquisition of the new office. Solicitors now reviewing draft contract, awaiting approval of the variation of the lease. Expected to complete the purchase by end February/early March.


8. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

County & District Councillor WB gave the following report.

Meeting held with Wildlfower group. The idea is to produce a mural to go on the rear of the garages that back onto the playing fields and plant a wildflower garden in front of them. The school will be heavily involved I the project.

Consultation events on devolution had been held and the consultation now complete.

LCC need an additional  40 million support from central government to clear road maintenance backlog. LCC will spend  650 million on providing services in 2024/25 with  350 going on adult care. Rising costs on adult care, child protection and school transport are causing issues. LCC will be looking to raise council tax by 4.99%.

National Grid will be holding presentations of their project to put pylons from Grimsby to Walpole. Everyone encouraged to either attend or complete the on line consultation form.

A flood resilience meeting will be held at Batemans on Friday with MP Matt Warman in attendance.


9. Finance

a. To receive financial reports and updates. 

The January bank reconciliation and monthly financial report had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on reports.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the January Financial reports. 


b. To approve payments and receipts.

Discussion on payments to be made.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for January.

For transparency, the following payments in excess of  100 were made in January.


Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
LAAT Playing field lease £500.00 £0.00 £500.00
British Gas Office electricity   January £352.23 £70.43 £422.60
HMRC PAYE/NI to Dec. 2023 £515.64 £0.00 £515.64
Chappell & Co New office survey £ 400.00 £0.00 £ 400.00
P&K Lewis Office rental £ 400.00 £0.00 £ 400.00
Staff Costs to 26th January Staff costs £703.20 £0.00 £703.20


.c. To review the LALC Annual Training Scheme Proposal

LALC had submitted their annual training scheme proposal. Discussion on proposal. Council decided that the total cost of the proposal would be more than the cost of councillors attending individual training sessions. DECISION : Not to go ahead with the proposal.


d. UKSPF funding application result

Clerk CC gave a report on the application to the UKSPF to have improvements made to the Marketplace. The application for  50,786 was approved and this will allow for the resurfacing of the Marketplace, remedial work to the Buttercross and to the clock tower. Heritage Lincs. will be project managers and oversee the improvements. Tender documents are being prepared and it is estimated that the work will start in Autumn. Mayor SM gave a vote of thanks to Clerk CC for all his work in preparing the application. 

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED for the Clerk to sign the acceptance offer from the UKSPF when received. 


10. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

S/195/02057/23 Barkham Manor Holiday Park   relocation of 1 of the static caravans. No comment,

S/194/00445/23 Wainfleet Bank Methodist Church approved.

Grimsby to Walpole pylons. Discussion on National Grid Proposal. Council strongly object to this proposal and will be objecting. All parishioners are encouraged to complete the on line consultation. ACTION: Clerk to complete on line consultation on behalf of council. 

Outer Dowsing update. Cllr WB attended the latest meeting with Outer Dowsing. Some community funds will be made available with a focus on wildlife and projects that are of benefit for the entire community. Funds will be available for three years and as yet the amount is not finalised.

Changes to Government planning guarantee. Clerk CC gave details of the new government planning guarantee and the effect at local level.



11. NGET Grimsby to Walpole transmission upgrade

To review the correspondence received and decide on actions going forward.

Item discussed under item 10. Planning.


12. Reports from subgroup meetings

To discuss findings and agree actions and associated expenditure as a result of recommendations from the following subgroups : 


a. Properties & Amenities

Jubilee bench needs repairs. Subgroup to investigate costs.

Fence around  Jubilee Garden  in need of repair. ACTION: Clerk to write to owners asking them to make good the fence.

2 people had completed the application for the vacant plot. Interviews to take place on 16th February. 


b. Marketing & Promotions

Joint meeting with WSM . D-Day event to be held 7th June 7pm. Entertainment has been organised. Food TBA. Coronation Hall has been cooked (capacity80-100 people). Discussion on charging entrance to event, to be reviewed. Library had requested dates of council events so that they could avoid those dates for their own fundraising event. Clerk to advise.  


c. Burials

One memorial inscription plot GR124.

Plot 1196 remedial work has commenced.

Clerk to prepare letter to owner of plot 1202.

Burials sub group to meet and review graves on 19th February.



13. Litter

To discuss proposals to address the current litter issues within the town.

Discussion on littering. Further public involvement required to address the problem. P&A subgroup to discuss further.


14. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received

* Complaint from parishioner re: speeding. Issue has been discussed several times and recent testing showed only minor occurrences. Main issue is local residents speeding.

* Request from Skegness Town Council for the Mayor of Skegness to wear his chain of office at the anniversary lunch at Batemans Brewery. Refused   council felt that this was a private event, not a civic event. 

* Invitation for Mayor to attend launch of Bobs Brainwaves. Attended by Mayor SM.

* NGET   Grimsby to Walpole pylons. Discussed under planning.

* Magna Vitae poster for Half term programme   poster on notice boards

* Guidance documents for environmental crimes issued

* Resignation of Cllr. Jones   ELDC advised.

* Email from organiser of Bike meet requesting to use gazebos and power. Approved.

* Complaint from parishioner re: closure of public right of way from Wainfleet Bank to St Marys Church   referred to LCC. Clerk had written to parishioner advising that this was the responsibility of LCC.

* Invitation to next Parish Council Engagement with police received   scheduled for 27th June. SM to attend.

* Invitation to Teams meeting on Road Safety held by the police   20th February. Council declined to attend and felt that more face tot face events would be of greater benefit.

* Telephone call from resident complaining about Barkham Manor resident on caravan park. Clerk to advise that this is not an issue the Town Council can deal with and that the resident has to take up the complaint with either the park owner or LCC.


15. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meetings agenda,


Mayor SM thanked all for their contributions and closed the meeting at 19:40 hrs.