April 2023

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting


Minutes of the council meeting held at 18:00 on 4th April, 2023 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : Mayor D.Wickes (DW), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. V.Parker-Hill (VPH), Cllr. S.Baird (SB),  Cllr. W.Bowkett (WB), Cllr. C.Harbon (CH), Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM).


Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC), 2 members of the public


Absent :, Cllr. J.Ward (JW), Cllr. T.Ward (TW), PCSO J.Richardson (JR)



Mayor DW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00.


1. Police report

To receive a report from the police representative

PCSO JR was on annual leave and did not submit a report.


2. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

A member of the public advised council that he was the Chair of a recently formed group of local residents who had named themselves the Wainfleet Action Group whose principal aim was to represent the views of those parishioners who opposed the proposed Matt Pitts Lane development. The group intends to get views from parishioners on any developments in the town and work with other groups to get “the best for Wainfleet”. Cllr. SB asked whether this group was the same Wainfleet Action Group that was formed in response to the flood of 2019. The member of public would check with the rest of the group and clarify the name of the organisation to avoid any confusion. The member of the public requested an opportunity to make a formal presentation of the group to the council at its next meeting. Clerk CC advised that as the next council meeting would be the Annual Council meeting following the local elections that it may be more appropriate to make a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on 26th May where more time could be assigned to the group to make its presentation. The member of the public was advised to contact the clerk to confirm their participation at the APM.


Cllr. WB gave an update on the progress of the Wainfleet Weekend event to be held during the summer. 


Mayor DW closed the public session at 18:15.


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received and accepted from Cllrs. TW and JW.


4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.

None declared.


5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd March, 2023

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at these meetings.

Draft notes from the meeting had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept these minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 2nd March 2023.


6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.


Matters arising.

Completed issues

* Election nominations submitted

* New tenant for plot 8 assigned

*  E-mail sent to LIVES asking about maintenance contract – no response

* Two quotations sent to WMT – awaiting reply

* Allotment holders meeting has been held

* Auctioneer contacted -invoice raised for 6 months

* Letter sent to I.Ellis Contractors re: tree fallen onto playing field fence – reply circulated. See item 10d.

* Commonwealth Graves signage ordered

* Draft Annual Parish Meeting invitation circulated ACTION: Clerk to publish invitation.

* Risk assessment templates sent to JW


Issues still pending

* Signing of Deed of transfer for Coronation Hall – still having difficulty getting a solicitor to certify the documents

* Policy documents review – ongoing

* Burials subgroup meeting to arrange

* New draft allotment tenancy agreement to do

* Quotation for window decals

Clerk issues :

* Clerk incurred 2.5 hr overtime in 4 week period to 24 March. 

* Clerk held meeting with Sam Phillips (ELDC) topics covered were :

* UKSPF – What does Wainfleet want from these funds? Discussion on meeting. ACTION: Clerk to arrange meeting for council with Jeffrey Kenyon (ELDC) to assist in preparation of an expression of interest.

* Market – Can ELDC assist with themed markets during the summer? See item 10b.



7. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.


Cllr. WB advised that Covid Booster vaccinations were now available for the more vulnerable groups,

Cllr. WB advised that the Lincolnshire Coastal Parks car parking tickets were now available by telephone and annual permits could be purchased. Any ticket is valid for all car parks on the day of purchase.


8. Finance

a. To receive financial reports and updates. 

The March financial report and bank reconciliation had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on monthly report.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the March financial report.


b. To approve payments and receipts.


Discussion on payments to be made. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for March.


For transparency the following payments in excess of £100 were made in March:


Payee Details Amount VAT Total
Staff costs Staff costs £773.64 £0.00 £773.64
DW Landscapes

Tree work Northolme cemetery

£895.00 £0.00 £895.00
Healthguard Ltd. Mole control contract £267.50 £53.50 £321.00
British Gas Office Electricity £295.86 £14.79 £310.65
P&K Lewis Office Rent £400.00 £0.00 £400.00


c. Barclays Bank update – to be discussed in closed session. 

Due to the sensitive nature of this item, Mayor DW deferred the discussion to the end of the meeting. 


9. Planning

a. To receive and discuss applications.

The following applications had been received from ELDC :


S/194/00374/23 – Northolme Cottage – no objection from council – reply already sent to ELDC

S/194/01674/22 – Old Community Hall – Approved by ELDC.

S/194/00446/23 – Wainfleet Bank Methodist Church – 15 day extension to reply requested. Application discussed. Council support the development.

S/194/00482/23 – Harvest Barn extension. Application discussed. Council support the application.

S/194/00509/23 – Land adjacent to Riverside Caravan Park – change of use 26 holiday lets. Application discussed. Council object to proposal on the following grounds : local roads and the bridge will not support the increased traffic, flood risk and likely permanence of residency (rather than holiday lets).

Complaint from resident re: Barkham Manor Caravan Park advertising 12 months occupancy. ELDC advised of possible violation of planning. ELDC replied 31/3/23 stating no seasonal restrictions were placed on the development approval. Discussion on consequences of 12 months occupancy. ACTION: Clerk to write to head of planning questioning the decision not to place seasonal restrictions on the site.


b. To receive an update on the Matt Pits Lane application.

Discussion on meeting held by developers. There was an indication that there is a possibility that the town surgery could be re-opened, but doubts whether it would be staffed by clinicians.



10. Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds

To discuss and agree actions and associated expenditure for Properties, Amenities and Burial Grounds and to receive reports from the associated working groups.


a. Northolme Cemetery & Closed Churchyards.

Memorial plot 809

Quotations for repairs to War Memorial have been sent to the War Memorials Trust – no reply as yet

CWG signage requested – reduced to 2 for Northolme – they allow one on each road.

Request from family holding plot XC119 to install curbing around the grave. Discussion on request. Local diocese does not allow curbing in any of their cemeteries. Council concerned over disrepair of existing curbing on some graves in Northolme and will be looking to remove all curbing in due time. Permission refused on health & safety grounds. ACTION: Clerk to reply to grave owner to advise decision. 

Cllr, DK gave a report on the recent inspection of Northolme cemetery. Several graves are either in a state of disrepair or are in contravention of the existing cemetery rules and regulations. ACTION: Clerk to determine those graves at fault and contact the grave owners.

Discussion on condition of plot 1202. ACTION: Cllr. VPH to arrange meeting with grave owners to discuss.

Cllr, JW had submitted an inspection report for All Saints cemetery.



b. Allotments

Plot 8 has been let to a new tenant and a refund of rent requested by the family of the previous tenant. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to refund the rent to the previous tenants family.

New tenant for plot 8 requested to install shed on allotment. Council agreed to request.

Tenant of plot 1 had submitted a request to extend his shed roof to capture more rainwater. Council agreed to request. ACTION : Clerk to advise tenant of decision. 

Cllr.TW has sent in the inspection report – nothing of concern.


c. Market Place

Auctioneer has requested to extend lease by 6 months and possibly longer – invoice issued.

Discussion on future on market. Decided to continue with monthly for next 3 months and then review.

ELDC have asked if we want to be included on their market publicity and market trader of the year. Agreed to be included in the publicity of the markets, but not to participate in the market trader of the year programme. ACTION : Clerk to advise ELDC of decision.

Sam Phillips from ELDC has offered support for “themed” markets. ACTION: Clerk to arrange further meeting with Sam Phillips, Cllrs DW and WB to investigate the proposal further.


d. Play area and Playing Field

Japanese Knotweed winter clearance has been done.

Discussion on grass cutting contractor. ACTION: Clerk to contact contractor to finalise refund due and request that key to gate be returned.

Magna Vitae request to use playing field this week. Council agreed to allow permission.

Platform Housing/ELDC are looking at decorating the rear of their garages with mural and create a wildflower garden in play area. Council supported this project.

Discussion on response from I.Ellis contractors re: fallen tree on playing field fence. ACTION: Clerk to reply advising to wait until field is dry enough to support vehicles.


e. Office       

Nothing new to report.


11. King Charles III Coronation

To receive a report from the subgroup regarding proposed events for the Coronation.

Clerk advised that the wheelie bins had been ordered – delivery Friday, collection Tuesday.

Discussion on Town Cryer. Cllr.DK to approach WH again.

Everything else under control.

ACTION : Clerk to produce notices for cars and local houses advising that Marketplace car park will be closed from Saturday 6th May at 5pm until Sunday 7th May at 8pm. 

40 car notices to be produced – Sat 6th 5pm until Sun 7th 8pm car park closed – letters to houses.


12. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received

Letter from W. Hatchman advising he is not available to act as Town Crier and unable to continue maintenance of Wainfleet Bank Cemetery. Clerk had received a reply from the councils insurers confirming that all volunteers are covered under the councils public liability insurance.

Letter received from Pensions Regulator ref: Re-enrolment and quotation received from Haines Watts to provide service.

ACTION: Clerk to reply to pensions regulator.



13. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda.

Next meeting will be the Annual Town Council Meeting and due to elections being held on 4th May, will be held on Tuesday 9th May at 18:00.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Friday 26th May with doors open from 5,30 p.m. and starting at 6 pm.


Mayor DW closed the public session at 19:40 to discuss item 8c.



Mayor DW thanked all for their contribution and closed the meeting at 20:00.