December 2023

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting



Minutes from the council meeting held at 18:00 on 6th December 2023 in the town council offices.


Councillors present : Mayor Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. P.Jones (PJ), Cllr. C.Mitchell.

Apologies :  None

Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 5 members of the public.


Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00hrs.


1. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

SM introduced the members present and asked for any questions/comments from the floor. Cllr. M.Rust from Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council presented a calendar to SM which was received with thanks.

No further questions or comments were raised and Mayor SM closed the public session at 18:05.


2. Mayors Report

The Mayor will give a brief report to the public and councillors detailing his activities.

Mayor SM gave a report on his activities. He had attended 3 remembrance day services in November and a Teams meeting with Lincolnshire Police (see item 8). Further event attendances are planned for December. Judging of Xmas lights will be done on 20th December. SM expressed his thanks to councillors and helpers who did the window display for remembrance day and the Xmas window. Thanks to Cllr. PJ who has painted the playing field fence. Thanks to Cllr. WB for her help with the Xmas market. Thanks to all Councillors and helpers who helped with the organisation of the Xmas light switch on. All helpers will be invited to a small reception to be held in the New Year. 


3. Apologies for absence

To receive and approve apologies for absence.

None   all present.


4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.



5. Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 7th November  2023.

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at this meeting.

Draft notes from the meeting held on 7th November had been published and circulated to councillors.

No further questions or comments on draft notes.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting held on 7th November 2023.


6. Councillor vacancies

To consider any applications to become a councillor.

An application had been received from Mr. Samuel Story-Taylor to become a councillor, which had been circulated to councillors. Discussion on application.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the application from Samuel Story-Taylor and to co-opt him onto the council.

Mayor SM welcomed Cllr. SST to the council and invited him to join at the council table. Cllr SST signed his acceptance of office in the presence of the Proper Officer, Clerk CC. 


7. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.


Matters arising from last meeting

Completed issues

* Quotation for legal work for play area received (to be discussed under item 11)

* Meeting held with Heritage Lincs (see below)

* Letter of thanks to flooding helpers sent

* New cemetery rates prepared for issue on 1st January 2024.

* Draft cemetery regulations prepared (to be discussed under item 12c)

* Sub regional strategy survey reply sent

* Draft capital investment plan prepared (to be discussed under item 9c)


Issues still pending

* Signing of Deed of transfer for Coronation Hall   Still awaiting to hear from solicitors

* All Saints Church memorials   still awaiting 2nd quote.

* Division of allotment plot 12 to be advertised

* Application for UKSPF for Marketplace refurb (see below)

* Graves in breach of regulations - to be completed

Clerk CC gave a further update on the activities following the meeting with Lincolnshire Heritage (LH) and the possibility of obtaining UKSPF funding to refurbish the market place. An initial Expression Of Interest had been submitted to the UKSPF some months ago, but following the meeting with LH a revised EOI had been submitted to UKSPF with further details of the refurbishment work to be done as suggested by LH. Clerk CC advised that the EOI was to be reviewed by the UKSPF in January and he would advise the council on the outcome once received.

Clerk CC advised that no overtime had been incurred in November and that he would be taking annual leave from 23rd December to 2nd January and from 11th-29th January.


8. Reports from External Agencies

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.


District & County Councillor WB gave the following report :

* Proposed devolution for Lincolnshire. An additional  24 million pa would be available. A survey is available to all residents and various workshops being held in January.

* 663 properties were affected by the recent flooding in the county. Section 19s are being pursued. Applications for  5000 for properties affected can now be applied for.

* In the recent cold weather, SWEP was implemented so that homeless people can apply to County/District for assistance.


Mayor SB asked where the homeless would be housed. Cllr WB advised that this would be throughout the county.


Mayor SM attended a TEAMS meeting with Lincolnshire Constabulary on 5th December. The meeting advised that over 50% of crimes in Lincolnshire are now frauds and scams. The police further advised that several towns/villages in the county are amongst the most deprived in the country and that police funding is the lowest in the country. SM did raise a specific point about the illegal use of e-scooters in Wainfleet and was assured that this would be looked into. It is vital that any issues such as this are reported via 101. Future meetings with the police will be held every 6 months.


9. Finance

a. To receive financial reports and updates.

The November bank reconciliation and monthly financial report had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on reports.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the November Financial reports. 


b. To approve payments and receipts.

Discussion on payments to be made.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for November.

For transparency, the following payments in excess of  £100 were made in November.


Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
Web Publicity & Signs Xmas banners £220.00 £44.00 £264.00
Smith of Derby Clock Service £247.00 £ 49.40 £296.40
P.Whiley Grass cutting contracts   October £1987.50 £0.00 1987.50
Syston Park Xmas Trees Xmas Tree £ 265.00 £0.00 £ 265.00
Ecogreen living Dog poop bags £140.70 £28.14 £168.84
Printerland A3 Printer £202.00 £40.40 £242.40
Wainfleet Methodist Chapel S137 payment £ 500.00 £0.00 £ 500.00
Viking Direct Stationery £139.66 £27.84 £167.05
P&K Lewis Office rental £400.00 £0.00 £400.00
Staff Costs Staff Costs £655.20 £0.00 £655.20


c. To review the proposal to apply for borrowing to purchase a new office facility.

Following discussions at the November meeting regarding a potential new office site, further investigations had been held and clerk CC had prepared a Capital Investment Plan which had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. In addition, a public consultation invitation had been posted on the notice boards and the councils website inviting the public to review the proposed investment with session being held twice per week throughout November and the first week of December. No objections from the public had been raised.

Clerk CC went through the plan in detail, highlighting not only the potential savings but also the fact that council would take ownership of an appreciating asset by investing in their own facilities, rather than continuing paying an increasing rent. 

CC explained the council had considered several other options available as office premises and their details are contained within the report. 

CC explained the process to obtain finance for the purchase, the possible repayment options and the impact on the councils finances should a loan be obtained. Discussion on the Capital Investment Plan.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the proposed Capital Investment Plan and enter into negotiations with the vendors of 62A High Street with a view to purchase the property. Cllr. WB abstained.


Clerk CC gave further details on the process to apply for borrowing approval. Discussion on application form.

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to submit an application for borrowing approval to DLUHC/LALC. Cllr. WB abstained.


ACTIONS: Clerk to complete and submit the application for borrowing approval, to obtain quotations for the legal work and to advise the estate agents of the councils proposal to purchase the property.



10. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

S/194/00509/23   Land adjacent to Riverside Caravan Park. A revised application had been received. Discussion on revised application. Council were of the opinion that the issues raised in their initial objection had still not been addressed. ACTION: Clerk to reply to planning with response.


Complaint from resident regarding illegal use of a caravan on a holiday let site. Clerk CC advised that he had been contacted by a resident on the Barkham Arms Caravan site reporting an apparent use of a residential site as a business. Clerk had already advised resident to contact both the site manager and enforcement at ELDC. Discussion on complaint.

ACTION: Clerk to report complaint to ELDC planning enforcement.  


11. Magdalen Road Playing Fields Association Trust

To review the solicitors reply in respect of the Trust and to decide on actions going forward.

A quotation for legal work for arrangements with the Magdalen Road Playing Field Association Trust had been received and circulated to councillors. Discussion on quotation. In light of the fact that the council were no longer pursuing the construction of a sports pavilion it was deemed unnecessary to incur legal costs for this matter as this would be a matter for the trust itself to resolve.

Cllr. WB advised that Wainfleet Untied Junior Football Club were planning to work with the trust to get it restarted with and option for them to have a pavilion placed on the trusts land.


12. Reports from subgroup meetings

To discuss findings and agree actions and associated expenditure as a result of recommendations from the following subgroups : 


a. Properties & Amenities

Cllr. PJ gave a report from the subgroup meeting.

Cllr DK resigned as chair of the subgroup with Cllr PJ replacing him.


All Saints Churchyard   awaiting 2nd quote for memorial work.

Wainfleet Bank   no issues.

Northolme   signage review after new regulations approved. Cllrs. SM & PJ will evaluate need for gravel repairs on pathways.

Replacement sand had now been received.

Playing fields

Play area gate has received further damage. Repairs will be made and an investigation into the price of a metal gate to be brough to council.

Northern border fence has now been repainted.

Rope ladder repair tape has not been successful. Further investigation required.

Discussion on condition of fence to rear of The Angel. Cllr SM to approach owners and request that they make good the fence.


Plot 12 has submitted their surrender of the plot with the initial intention to share plot 9. However, the tenant of plot 9 subsequently advised that he wished to surrender the plot. The tenant of plot 12 requested that they could take on plot 9 in its entirety with the idea that the initial tenant would eventually be able to resume a shared tenancy at a later date. Cllr PJ was asked to leave the meeting while a discussion on plot 9 was taking place. Discussion on plot 9. 

PROPOSED,SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow the outgoing tenant from plot 12 to take on plot 9 on 1st January 2024. Cllr. PJ was reminded that he should advise the council immediately if he felt that the plot was too big to manage on his own. 

Market Place

Some weeding to be done. Cllrs SM and PJ to organise when weather permits. Contractor to submit revised quotation for an additional 4 sprayings in the next season..


Draft budget requirements were submitted for inclusion in the full budget to be prepared by the finance subgroup.


b. Marketing & Promotions

Cllr. WB gave a report from the M&P subgroup.

Xmas light switch on was a very successful event which was well attended and could not have been possible without the support of many volunteers. Suggested that a thank you event be held for the volunteers in the New Year.

Xmas lights to be taken down on 13th January.

M&P subgroup suggested a D Day event could be held jointly with Wainfleet St Marys next June. To be further investigated.

The subgroup proposed that rather than weekly markets, the council should hold markets in early spring, summer, autumn and at Christmas. Proposal was accepted by council.

Clerk CC advised that he had been contacted by the auctioneer who advised that he would be retiring at the end of March.


c. Burials

Ashes interment plots GR 58

Burial plot 1025

Memorials plots 1068 and GR336

Lincs. Co-op also applied to add an engraving to a memorial. They have been advised that only approved masons may do the work, not funeral directors.

Clerk CC had published a draft version of the revised cemetery regulations prior ro the meeting. Discussion on revised regulations.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to adopt the revised regulations with effect from 1st January 2024.

ACTION: Clerk to advise all connected with cemetery activities of the new regulations and prepare revised application forms as appropriate. Cllr. WB abstained.


13. Correspondence

To discuss correspondence received

* Enquiry from  In from the cold  location of grave in Northolme. Clerk CC had replied.

* Reply from Sills Legal re: costs for Magdalen Road Playing Fields Association Trust. See item 11.

* Various communications between Heritage Lincs, UKSPF re: Marketplace. See item 7.

* Various positive responses from market traders at Xmas market. Enquiries for summer market. See item 12b.

* Letter from tenant of plot 12 advising they would relinquish the plot at end of December and share plot 9. See item 12a.

* Application to become a councillor from Samuel Story-Taylor. See item 6.

* E-mail from tenant of plot 9 advising that they would like to relinquish their tenancy at the end of the year. See item 12a.

* E-mail from tenant of plot 12 asking if he could take on the whole of plot 9. See item 12a.

14. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting s agenda,

Wainfleet Weekend would request use of the playing field from 18th-20th June 2024.

Wainfleet Bike meeting would request use of the Marketplace for 31st August 2024.

Precept to be finalised at January meeting.

Mayor SM proposed that as Tuesday meetings were problematic for some councillors, that the regular date for council meetings be changed from the first Tuesday of the month, to the first Wednesday of the month. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to amend the meeting dates.


Next full council meeting Wednesday 3rd January 2024.


Mayor SM thanked all for their attendance and participation, and declared the meeting closed at 19:45hrs.