September 2023

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting         

Minutes from the council meeting held at 18:00 on 6th September 2023 in the town council offices.

Councillors present : Mayor Cllr. S.Mitchell (SM), Cllr. D.Kettleborough (DK), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. P.Jones (PJ), Cllr. C.Mitchell.

Apologies :  None

Also present : Clerk C.Cleary (CC) and 1 member of the public.

Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 18:00hrs.

1. Police report                                                            

To receive a report from the police representative

Wainfleet no longer has a dedicated PCSO. Mayor SM advised that he had been in contact with Skegness police regarding the situationwith the town and was advised that due to the lack of reported crime in the town, Wainfleet All Saints is classed as a low priority for them. It was emphasised that all crimes should be reported to the police by 101 (either phone or on line) and this would raise the towns profile.

2. Public session

An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

One of the organisers of the bike festival thanked the council for the use of gazebos and marketplace for Bike Meeting. There was a good turn out for the event and it is hoped to run again next year. It was observed that liners of ELDC bins have corroded and need repairing. ACTION: Cllr. WB will report on FixMyStreet.

Mayor SM closed the public session at 18:10 and council went into full session.

3. Apologies for absence                                                    

To receive and approve apologies for absence.

None. All councillors present.

4. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.

None declared.

5. Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meetings held on 1st August, 2023.

To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made at these meetings.

Draft minutes of the EOM and the council meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meetings held on 1st August 2023.

6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes

To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.

Matters arising from last meeting

Completed issues

* Trampoline repaired

* New litter bins received

* Tree plaques received

* Supporting letter to 42 High Street done

* New Councillors documentation sent to ELDC

* Mandate change submitted to Barclays

* Letter of appreciation to D.Wickes prepared. Cllr. DK suggested that similar letters should be sent to the other councillors who recently resigned. ACTION : Clerk to prepare letters.

* Heritage Lincoln contacted re: Clocktower refurbishment

* Invites sent out to Xmas Market Traders (19 from last year). Also, on website.

* External auditors report received – no issues.

Issues still pending

* Signing of Deed of transfer for Coronation Hall – email received from solicitors advising payment received, title searches being done. Should be finished next month.

* All Saints Church memorials – see burials below.

* Division of allotment plot 12

* Wood preserving of play area equipment – organised with volunteers for early October.

* Burials sub group to meet

* Playing field lease and ownership

Clerk incurred no overtime and advised that the office would be closed on Friday 29th September.


7. Reports from External Agencies                                           

To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.

Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

It is know your numbers week, highlighting the issue of high blood pressure and the importance of getting your blood pressure checked regularly, which lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack. Many local pharmacies offer the service along with your GP in annual health checks, or they can be purchased very cheaply so you can do at home.

Lincolnshire businesses and young people will be further educated on the dangers of flavoured single use vapes. This comes after a new report shows there's still an uptake in the number of young people vaping, despite long term risks not being known.

Winter Covid preparations are being made, covid 19 continues to be a challenge. The county continues to build vaccine immunity for vulnerable groups and local health bosses are waiting for guidance about autumn boosters programmes including the flu vaccine programme.

LCC have confirmed that no local authority school in Lincolnshire are affected by faulty concrete.


8. Finance                                                            

a. To receive financial reports and updates.

The August monthly financial report and ban reconciliation had been circulated prior to the meeting. Discussion on report.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the August financial report.

b. To approve payments and receipts.

Discussion on payments to be made.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for August.

For transparency the following payments in excess of £100 were made in August:


Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
LIVES Replacement defibrillator parts £130.00 £26.00 £156.00
P.Whiley Grass cutting -June £1987.50 £0.00 £1987.50
P&K Lewis Office rental £400.00 £0.00 £400.00
Staff Costs Staff Costs £750.00 £0.00 £750.00
Freddie Kisby Repairs to Playing Field gate £182.93 £0.00 £182.93
Lindsey Marsh Drainage Drainage Rates £269.07 £0.00 £269.07


c. UKSPF application

Clerk CC gave a brief report on the meeting held with members from the UKSPF. Deadline for next application is 15th September. Council felt that this was not enough time to get together the necessary quotations and paperwork. Agreed to aim for the 1st December deadline (next round of funding allocated). To be discussed further at the next finance subgroup meeting. ACTION: Clerk to contact contractor to request revised quote for marketplace resurfacing.

9. Planning

To receive and discuss applications.

The following planning issues had arisen :

S/194/01109/23 – Salem Bridge Brewery frontage repairs – approved.

Outer Dowing updates – circulated

S/194/01401/23 – Barkham Arms (retrospective application for 2 static vans) – no comment.


10. Reports from subgroup meetings                                      

To discuss findings and agree actions and associated expenditure as a result of recommendations from the following subgroups :


a. Properties & Amenities

Discussion on notes from the P&A group meeting.

All Saints Churchyard. Unsafe headstones still not resolved. ACTION: Clerk to contact church and advise that churchyard will be closed to public access if situation is not resolved promptly.

Northolme cemetery. Discussion on volunteer wishing to help with Northolme maintenance. Agreed in principle. ACTION: Clerk to draft letter of introduction and lanyard for volunteer. SM to advise details.

Allotments. Plot 12 to be relinquished at year end and new tenant to be sought. Plot 9 to be shared between current tenants of plot 9 and plot 12 from January 2024.ACTION: Clerk to advertise plot 12 availability and new agreement for plot 9.

Play area. SM is drafting new checklists. Preserving of wooden parts organised for 9-10 October. Discussion on gate to Brooks Walk. ACTION: WB to speak to R.Kisby to effect repairs acceptable to council.

Marketplace. New bin has been put in bus shelter. Discussion on ash trays. ACTION: Clerk to source 3 ashtrays for outdoor spaces. Coronation/Jubilee trees and plaques have been obtained. DK to install. Water leak in bus shelter to be investigated. SM will investigate CCTV for Marketplace.

b. Marketing & Promotions

Discussion on notes from M&P/Xmas sub group. Both groups now amalgamated into one. Budget and dates all agreed. Volunteers contacted. Market stall holders application have been sent out. Still awaiting contractor confirmation to install gazebos. ACTION: WB to organise banners/posters and risk assessment. SM to look at lighting of market.

c. Finance

All financial issues dealt with under item 8. Next finance subgroup meeting to be held after the second quarter financial figures are available (early October). Subgroup to look at UKSPF application at this meeting.

d. Burials

New memorial plot GR222.

All Saints Churchyard memorials still awaiting response from church as to where the memorials are to be placed.

Email received from parishioner complaining about the non-compliance with current regulations.

ACTION: Burials subgroup to convene and review current regulations and recommend actions to council.


e. Christmas

See item 10b.

f. Community sports pavilion

WB gave summary of public meeting held on 4th September. ACTION : Clerk to contact school to investigate extending playing field lease. Clerk to contact Charities Commission to review situation with Magdalen Playing Field Association charity. Clerk to contact ELDC planning to review possible sites for pavilion. WB to arrange meeting with Spilsby Recreation ground to share ideas/experiences. Next meeting to be arranged with more interested parties, once a firm idea on location and requirements are known.


11. Correspondence                                                     

To discuss correspondence received

Reply received from LCC footpaths re: The Walk – surface is adequate for a footpath. The Walk is not a footway and the requirements for a public footpath are less stringent than for a footway.

E-mail from Online playgrounds advertising a training course – circulated.

E-mail from parishioner re: Northolme Cemetery – see item 10d.

Application forms for UKSPF received – see item 8c.

12. Agenda items for next meeting

To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda,

Any items for inclusion in next months agenda to be sent to the clerk no less than 5 working days prior to the meeting.

Next meeting : Tuesday 3rd October at 18:00.

 Mayor SM thanked all for their contributions and closed the meeting at 19:40 hrs.

I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 6th September, 2023


Signed document retained in council offices

Date:  3rd October, 2023