Minutes from 4th September meeting

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting        

Draft notes from the Town Council Meeting held on 4th September 2024 at 6.00pm in the town council offices.

Councillors present: Cllr. Steve Mitchell (SM), Cllr. Christine Mitchell (CM), Cllr. Jean Hart (JH), Cllr. Wendy Bowkett (WB), Cllr. Wayne Lagden (WL), Cllr. W. Hatchman (WH), Cllr. M. Clarke (MC), Cllr. C. Drury (CD), Cllr S. Drury (SD), Cllr. Samuel Storey-Taylor (SST).
Apologies : None.
Also present : Clerk C. Cleary (CC) and 5 members of the public. 

Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 6.00pm.

1.  Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.

An invitation to create poppies for Remembrance Sunday was presented. Event to be held at Methodist Hall. Council offered full support. 
Question about vandalism in play area – WB had spoken with police who are investigating.
Magdalen library will be arranging to gather memories from residents of Wainfleet. Every Sunday afternoon 2pm. Inviting people to come and record their memories of Wainfleet. Council offered full support.
Question on revised conservation area – is social housing included within the area. Cllr. WB to investigate.
Question on condition of resurfaced marketplace. Council explained that they were also unhappy with the colour and were in discussions with the contractor and Heritage Lincs (project managers) to resolve the issue.
Follow up question on the councils agreement with the Duchy of Lancaster in respect to the repairs. Clerk explained that the terms of the lease with the Duchy of Lancaster specify that council are responsible for the maintenance of the surface.
Question on dog poop bins. 2 bins less than before. WB advised that there have been recent thefts of bins, but they will be replaced.
Question of missing light at St Johns Street. SM/WB will investigate. 

2. Mayors Report
To receive a report from Mayor S.Mitchell on his recent activities.
Wainfleet has been chosen to be a forthcoming film set.
Well Being group want to set up a school uniform bank. To be discussed at next meeting.
Mayor SM thanked the organisers of the recent Bike meet for a well attended and well run event.
Mayor SM will be attending two commemorative church services in September and October.
Commemorative bench has been restored.
Mayor SM advised that draft notes from meetings should be carefully checked before confirming them as a true record. Discussion on notes. Cllr. WH left the meeting at 1830. Mayor SM apologised to those present for the actions of Cllr WH.

3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
All Councillors present.

4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.

5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7th August, 2024 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 23rd August, 2024
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.
Draft notes of the meetings had been circulated prior to this meeting. Discussion on notes.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to confirm the notes of the meetings held on 7th & 23rd August as true records of the decisions made.

6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Matters arising from last meeting
Completed issues

* Letter sent to plot 1202 re: items outside of grave space
* VAT return submitted and refund received
* New office planning application submitted
* New office purchase completed
* Inspectas contacted regarding possible re-occurrence of Japanese Knotweed – a further spraying of new growth will be applied later this month/October.
* Kompan contacted regarding damaged play area
* Several meetings held with UKSPF, Heritage Lincs and contractors
* Nine stalls confirmed for Christmas market to date
* Visit of energy van confirmed for 20/9, 25/10, 6/12, 17/1/25
* Contract and invoice for Marketplace auction issued to auctioneer
* External auditors report received – no issues

Issues still pending
* Review of Financial regulations
* Review of co-option policy
Clerk incurred no overtime in the last 4 week period and shall be taking annual leave from 17th September to 3rd October.

7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
County and District Councillor WB reported that mixed Covid/Flu vaccines will be available in the very near future and that the poppies display for the Marketplace is going very well.

8. Finance
    a. To receive the August Financial reports and updates.
    The August financial report and bank reconciliation had been sent to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on financial report.
    PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the August Financial Report.
    b. To approve payments and receipts
Discussion on payments to be made. The invoice for the resurfacing was discussed in detail. Council felt that until the contract terms had not been met and that payment should be withheld until such time the position was clarified.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to withhold the payment to Stoneset until further information is received regarding the colour of the product used.

PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the remaining payments and receipts for August.

For transparency, the following payments in excess of £100 were made in August.

Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
Inspectas Japanese Knotweed treatment £1589.60 £300.00 £1889.60
Healthguard Mole treatment £267.50 £53.50 £321.00
P&K Lewis Office rental £400.00 £0.00 £400.00
Staff Costs Staff Costs £661.40 £0.00 £661.40
P. Whiley Grass cutting July £1987.50 £0.00 £1987.50
ELDC Planning application 62A High Street £289.00 £0.00 £289.00
Tinn Criddle 
Completion fee new office
£58456.03 £246.48 £58702.51

    c. To receive an update on the purchase of the new office facility.
    Clerk CC advised that the purchase of the new office facility has now been completed and that the planning application for change of use had been submitted, with the outcome expected early October. Clerk investigating secure document disposal for historical documents no longer required. Current landlords advised that they have a new tenant and requested to commence building work w/c 21st October. Discussion on request. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow landlord to commence work during councils tenure. Clerk to confirm to landlords.
    d. To review the progress on the works in the Marketplace funded by UKSPF
    Resurfacing of Marketplace has been completed, but not on a “like for like” basis as stipulated in the contract. Meetings have been held with Heritage Lincs (project managers) and Stoneset (contractor) to try and resolve the situation. Further details of weathering and possible accelerated weathering to follow after consulting with material supplier. 
    Electrical work inside clocktower and lighting around clock tower and Buttercross has been approved by UKSPF. Work due to commence mid September.
    Work on the Buttercross had revealed some further minor damage which require additional work (cost approx. £1600). 
    Additional cleaning is required on the clock tower (cost approx. £3200). Meeting was held with UKSPF and HL to discuss the additional work, as the costs would be over budget. UKSPF to revert and confirm that the extra funds required could be secured from them. Work expected to last a further week. 

9. Planning
To receive and discuss new applications.
S/194/01216/24 – Change of use 62A High Street. Council support the application.
084/24/TCA – Removal of offshoots of a tree within the conservation area 36 High Street. Council have no objection.
Minutes from last Outer Dowsing meeting received. Noted.

10. CCTV
To discuss the idea of installing CCTV within those areas of the town where antisocial behaviour is occurring.
Discussion on CCTV – Marketplace has private CCTV so Play area is main area of concern. Clerk supplied details of legislation and policy requirements. Agreed in principle to investigate further. Cllrs. CD, WB and WL will set up working group.

11. Reports from subgroup meetings
To receive and discuss reports from subgroup meetings and approve associated expenditure.

Pending items – Xmas tree price.
Carboot sale – delayed to next year.
Xmas entertainment is still being finalised.
Wainfleet Bank – issue with trees touching power lines. SM to contact National Grid.
Cemetery – letter sent to owner of plot 1202 (memorabilia outside plot area)
Memorial             : Plot GR234
Internments         : Plots GR234, GR208, GR 337
EROB                  : Plots GR337, GR234 
Add. Inscription    : plot N228
Garden allotment plot 12 has requested permission to install a small fence and shed on site. Discussion on application. PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the application. Clerk to advise tenant.
Farming allotment plot 3 tenant has advised that he would like to surrender part of the plot at the end of the current period, retaining 0.8 acres. Discussion on plot. Clerk to investigate costs for re-measuring and marking out of revised plot.
Play area vandalism discussed. Quote from Kompan discussed. Clerk to contact insurers to make repair.

12. Commemorative trees 
To revisit the issue of commemorative trees celebrating the reign of the late Queen and Her Platinum jubilee. (Requested by Cllr. W. Hatchman).
Deferred to next meeting.

13. Forthcoming Election of a Councillor.
To discuss the calling of an election by parishioners to fill the vacant seat following the resignation of Cllr. D. Kettleborough.
A letter had been received from former councillor D. Kettleborough, circulated to all councillors. Noted and no further action.
Clerk advised that details on nominations received would be advised by ELDC on Friday. If only 1 candidate then the election would be uncontested. If more than 1 candidate then an election would be held on 3rd October.
14. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received
* Request from allotment plot 12 to install shed and fencing, Discussed under item 11.
* Letter from former councillor. Discussed under item 13.
* Quote from Kompan to repair play area. Discussed under item 11.
* Invitation from Methodist Church to a service of dedication on 8th September. SM to attend.
* Request from farming allotment plot 3 to release 2 acres and retain 0.8 acres. Discussed under item 11.
* Letter from current landlord. Discussed under item 8c.

15. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda,
Item 12.
Item 10.

Next meeting 9th October.

Signed by Mayor S.Mitchell 9th October 2024