Minutes of Extraordinary meeting 29th July 2024

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Minutes from the Extraordinary meeting of the Town Council held on 29th July 2024.
Councillors present: Mayor S. Mitchell (SM), Cllr. W. Bowkett (WB), Cllr. J.Hart (JH), Cllr. C. Mitchell (CM), Cllr. W.Lagden (WL).
Apologies: Cllr. S. Story-Taylor (SST)
Also Present : Clerk C. Cleary (CC),  8 members of the public.
Mayor SM welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 6pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
Cllr. SST had a prior engagement and sent his apologies. Accepted by council.
2. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 (Members must declare any personal interest in any item on the agenda and state whether they are also prejudiced. In the case of personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter. In the case of prejudicial interests, the member must withdraw while the matter is discussed.)
3. To receive written applications for the office of Town Councillor and to consider the acceptability of any suitably qualified applicant for co-option.
To consider the written applications received for the office of Town Councillor, their eligibility and acceptability in accordance with the council's Co-option Policy.
All written applications have been circulated to councillors in advance of the meeting. 
Mayor SM advised that councillors had reviewed the applications and then resolved to suspend the meeting at 18.03 to allow the applicants to make representations and for councillors to ask questions. None of the applicants requested to comment further on their applications. Mayor SM then asked councillors if they had any questions for the candidates. None were forthcoming.
Mayor SM resolved to close the public session at 18.05.
Mayor SM requested a proposer, seconder and vote by show of hand for each of the applicants. Four applicants were proposed, seconded and voted unanimously to be co-opted onto the council. Three applicants were proposed, but no seconder or votes recorded for their co-option.
4. To invite successful applicants to sign their acceptance of office.
Once councillors have voted on the applicants, they shall be invited to sign their acceptance of office in the presence of the Proper Officer of the Council.
Mayor SM invited the four successful applicants to sign their acceptance of office in the presence of Clerk CC as proper officer of the Council.
There being no further business, Mayor SM congratulated the successful applicants, thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 6.15 pm. 
I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 29th July, 2024
Date:  7th August, 2024