Draft notes from the August 2024 meeting

Wainfleet All Saints Town Council Meeting
Draft notes from the Town Council Meeting held on 7th August 2024 at 6.00pm in the town council offices.
Councillors present: Cllr. Steve Mitchell (SM), Cllr. Christine Mitchell (CM), Cllr. Jean Hart (JH), Cllr. Wendy Bowkett (WB), Cllr. Wayne Langdon (WL), Cllr. W. Hatchman (WL), Cllr. M. Clarke (MC), Cllr. C. Drury (CD), Cllr S. Drury (SD).
Apologies : Cllr. Samuel Storey-Taylor (SST)
Also present : Clerk C. Cleary (CC). 
Mayor SM welcomed all councillors and opened the meeting a 6.00pm.
1.  Public session
An opportunity for the public to ask the Council questions and to bring new observations.
No public were present.
2. Mayors Report
To receive a report from Mayor S.Mitchell on his recent activities.
Mayor SM reported on the following :
* Handyman has quoted to repair the Jubilee bench and also looked at other areas that need attention. Materials cost would be £370 plus labour. Discussion on work to be done. SM to get firm quote just for jubilee bench and separate quote for remainder of work. 
* Met with local PC in Marketplace and advised of current situation with antisocial behaviour in town, Said that he would deal with this and will revert. WB will be meeting the new Chief Constable of Lincolnshire and will also raise the issue with them. Reminder that all instances of antisocial behaviour must be reported to 101. 
* Thanks to WB and CD for the organisation of the Wainfleet Weekend. There were some lights belonging to the council which were stolen from the event. The organisers of the event will replace them.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Cllr SST sent his apologies due to ill health. Apologies accepted by council.
4. Declarations of interest
To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the Members Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
None declared.
5. Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd July, 2024 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 29th July, 2024
To confirm the notes as a true record of the decisions made.
Minutes of both meetings had been circulated. Cllr MC requested that the minutes of the 3rd July meeting be amended under correspondence to read “7 applications to be co-opted had been received.” Accepted by council and minutes amended.
PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED to confirm the amended minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 29th July as a true record of said meetings.
6. Clerks report and action points from the previous minutes
To receive the clerks report and deal with matters arising.
Matters arising from last meeting
Completed issues
* Play area bin – ELDC reply stating “action agreed” and “likely to be after summer”
* 1st quarter financial summary circulated
* Visit of Inspectas (Japanese Knotweed treatment)
* Invites to Christmas Market traders sent out. Also on website and noticeboards.
Issues still pending
* Letter to parents of grave no.1202 – draft circulated to councillors
* Review of Financial regulations
* Review of co-option policy
Clerk incurred no overtime in the last month and advised that he would be on annual leave from 17th September to 3rd October. Discussion on date of October meeting. RESOLVED to move the October meeting to 9th October.
7. Reports from External Agencies
To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Wendy Bowkett.
Other Councillors reports from external meetings.
Cllr. WB gave the following report :
County news are asking for residents views on anti social behaviour, it is so LCC can best help and the areas that worry residents, the survey is open until the 16th September and you can access it via https://www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/asb or other details are in the county news.
The new diagnostic centre in Skegness is well underway, NHS colleagues visited the site this week and are very excited what it will bring to the coast, with its MRI scanners, testing etc.
Call Connect have a summer offer, any new sign up gets a free journey, all for £2.00 each way. It is trying to encourage teenagers to use it during the summer months, existing customers that recommend a new customer also gets a free return journey.
Council tax fraud warning, there has been a recent scam that caught out a former resident.
Always hang up if you get an unexpected call and call back the official office number 01507601111.
The draft Wainfleet conservation area appraisal has now been completed, there have been boundary changes and it now reverts to the original area of 2008. This includes the south side of the railway to Grange farm, also parts of station road, church lane, haven side, Boston Road and Vicarage lane. The conservation area will now consider all buildings within it especially the condition of them, when repairs are done especially window replacement and any new builds taking place. Discussion on Conservation area.
Cllr WH requested that Cllr WB place the information regarding scams and Call Connect on the council’s Facebook page.
8. Finance
    a. To receive the July Financial reports and updates.
    The July financial report and bank reconciliation had been sent to councillors prior to the meeting. Discussion on financial report.
    PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the July Financial Report.
    The clerk had also prepared and circulated the first quarter financial summary comparing actual spend with prior year and budget. Discussion on report.
    PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to accept the first quarter financial summary.
    b. To approve payments and receipts
Discussion on payments to be made.
PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the payments and receipts for July.
For transparency, the following payments in excess of £100 were made in July.
Payee Detail Amount VAT Total
Clear Councils Insurance premium £985.65 £0.00 £985.65
Angel Inn D-Day event catering £150.00 £0.00 £150.00
P&K Lewis Office rental £400.00 £0.00 £400.00
Staff Costs  Staff Costs  £661.20 £0.00 £661.20
P. Whiley Grass cutting June £1987.50 £0.00 £1987.50
HMRC PAYE Q1 £538.45 £0.00 £538.45


    c. To receive an update on the purchase of the new office facility.
    Clerk CC advised that the Deed of Variation had now been approved by the landlords lender and the sale was now only dependent on the registration of said Deed with the Land Registry. Completion should be within 3-4 weeks. CC also advised that he was preparing the planning permission application to ELDC for change of use. 
    d. To review the progress on the proposed works funded by UKSPF to the Marketplace.
Work has commenced on Buttercross and clock tower and will continue until Friday 9th August. This work will be suspended during the resurfacing and resume on Thursday 29th August for another 5 days (approx).
Resurfacing will commence on Friday 16th August and be completed by Thursday 22nd August in time for the August market. Discussion on cleaning of clocktower. Clerk to check exact scope of work and discuss with Heritage Lincs.
9. Planning
To receive and discuss new applications.
Minutes of Outer Dowsing meeting circulated. Discussion on minutes.
S/194/01128/24 – The Telex, Brooks Walk extension – Council had no objection to the proposal.
Eastern Green Link 3 & 4 Scoping consultation (Pylons)– documents circulated. Discussion on volume of documents and time allowed to reply. Council comments to object to proposal reiterating grounds raised in initial application. 
10. Reports from subgroup meetings
To receive and discuss reports from subgroup meetings and approve associated expenditure.
Mayor SM suggested that going forward, individual councillors would be assigned areas of responsibility, reporting back to him and meetings arranged on a 2 monthly basis (or more frequently if necessary).
Cemetery activities.
Memorials : Plots 1070, 1025, GR338, GR239
Internment : Plot 1023
EROB            : Plots 1023, 1024
Add. Inscription : plot N228
Discussion on plot 1202. Clerk to write to plot owners reminding them to keep memorial items within the confines of the grave,
Discussion on resumption of auction. A new auctioneer had submitted his insurance documents and is intending to commence from 23rd August. Mayor SM to meet with auctioneer to re-confirm the requirements for performing this service with emphasis on keeping detailed records of products, suppliers, etc.
Discussion on possible car boot sale. 8th September was suggested as a possible date for the event. M&P subgroup to review dates and location for event.
Discussion on markets. 23rd August has 7 stalls confirmed. Rock painting organised. Council to have a stand at market.
Discussion on damage to play area. Quotation requested for repair from supplier. To be reviewed when received and if possible a second quote obtained. A crime number for the damage has been received.
Discussion on Allotments. Plot 9 has been contacted and asked to submit a request to release all or part of the plot back to the council. 
Discussion on Wainfleet Weekend. Mayor SM thanked Cllrs. WB and CD for their work in organising the event, marred by the theft of the Christmas lights loaned to the event by council. The event organisers have agreed to replace the stolen lights.
11. Correspondence
To discuss correspondence received
* Crime number for play area vandalism received (see item 10)
* Minutes of Outer Dowsing meeting -circulated (see item 9)
* LALC training courses for new councillors – new councillors advised. Discussion on courses. RESOLVED for Cllrs. MC and WH to attend the Zoom course on 13th August.
* S/194/01128/24 – The Telex, Brooks Walk extension (see item 9)
* Vacancy on S&E Lincs Governance & Audit – circulated.
* E-mail from Lincs YMCA re: funding skills webinar – circulated.
* Request from Mayor of Skegness to wear ceremonial chain at event at Batemans Brewery. Request later withdrawn.
* Report from member of public re: 21 High Street. Agents advised of issue. 
12. Agenda items for next meeting
To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda.
Cllr. WH requested a discussion to revisit the councils decision on commemorative trees to celebrate the late Queens Jubilee and reign.
Next meeting : Wednesday 4th September.